Fabaceae (pea, or legume family) »
Albizia lebbeck al-BIZ-ee-uh -- named for Filipo del Albizzi, Florentine nobleman LEB-ek -- named after a place in Egypt commonly known as: East Indian walnut, frywood, Indian siris, koko, lebbek tree, rain tree, raom tree, siris tree, soros-tree, woman's tongue • Bengali: শিরীষ shirish • Hindi: शिरीष shirish, sissa • Kannada: bage, doddasirisa, kalbaghi • Malayalam: nenmenivaka, vaka • Marathi: chekola, chichola, sankesar, शिरस shiras, शिरीष shirish • Sanskrit: शिरीष shirish • Tamil: siridam, வாகை vagai • Telugu: దోరిసెన dorisena, pedda dirisinam, sirisamu Origin: India, Bangladesh, Burma, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, the Andaman Islands.. medium to large tree.. grows to 20 m height.. multi-stemmed widely spreading habit (to 30 m diameter) when grown in the open.. bark rough, grey.. leaves bipinnate.. rachillae 1-5 pairs.. leaflets 3-11 pairs, oblong to elliptic-oblong, asymmetrical.. glabrous, entire, initially bright green and folding at night, maturing to a duller glaucous green and fixed rachis.. fully but briefly deciduous in the dry season. References:
Wikipedia •
eFlora •
Forest Flora of Andhra Pradesh. Date: 10 August 2007, 12:09. Source:
Lebbeck tree. Author:
Dinesh Valke from Thane, India.