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Vegetable Hummingbird

Sesbania grandiflora (L.) Pers.

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Agati grandiflora (L.) Desv. Jour, de Bot. Desv II. 1: 120. 1813.
Robinia grandiflora L. Sp. PI. 722. 1753. Aeschynomene grandiflora L. Sp. PI. ed. 2. 1060. 1763. Aeschvnomene coccinea L.f. Suppl. 330. 1781. Coronilla grandiflora Willd. Sp. PI. 3: 1145. 1803. Coronilla coccinea Willd. Sp. PI. 3: 1146. 1803.
Sesban grandifloyus Poir. in Lam. Encyc. 7: 127. 1806.
Sesban coccineus Poir. in Lara. Encvc. 7: 127. 1806.
Sesbania grandiflora Pers. Syn. PI. 2: 316. 1807.
Sesbania coccinea Pers. Syn. PI. 2: 316. 1807.
Agali coccinea Desv. Jour, rie Bot. Desv. II. 1: 120. 1813.
Resupinaria grandiflora Raf. Sylva Tell. 115. 1838.
Agali grandiflora coccinea Wight & Arn. Prodr. Ind. Or. 1: 216. 1834.
Emerus grandiflorus Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 180. 1891.
A small tree; leaves 1-3.5 dm. long; leaflets 14-50, oblong, glabrous or puberulent, 2.5-6 cm. long, 1-1.5 cm. wide, rounded or retuse at the apex, acute or obtuse at the base; racemes 1-3-flowered; bracts and bractlets ovate, minute, caducous. Calyx about 2 cm. long and broad, slightly 2-lipped, the lobes very short or obsolete; corolla white or pinkish, or bright-red (var. coccinea), 6-8 cm. long; pod pendulous, 3-4 dm. long, 8 mm. wide and 4 mm. thick, 25-35-seeded; seeds reniform, 6 mm. long and 4 mm. high, brown, smooth.
Type locality: India.
Distribution: Florida; Yucatan; West Indies; also in Venezuela and Colombia; naturalized; native from India to northern Australia and the Philippines.
bibliographic citation
Per Axel Rydberg. 1919. (ROSALES); FABACEAE; PSORALEAE. North American flora. vol 24(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora