Description: Gymnanthemum corymbosum Afrikaans: Bloeiwyse van 'n Bergbittertee in die Manie van der Schijff Botaniese Tuin, Universiteit van Pretoria English: Inflorescence of a Mountain vernonia in the Manie van der Schijff Botanical Garden, University of Pretoria. Date: 14 February 2015, 14:17. Source: Own work. Author: JMK.
Description: Vernonia colorata Afrikaans: Ontwikkelende vrugtepluim van 'n Laeveldbittertee, Jan Celliers Park, Pretoria English: Developing infrutescence of a Lowveld bitter-tea, Jan Celliers Park, Pretoria. Date: 22 September 2010, 08:38. Source: Own work. Author: Dr. J.C. Knobel. Permission(Reusing this file): Please cite the author. I hold the rights to this image and release it under the terms below. JMK (talk) 22:44, 5 August 2012 (UTC).
Description: Vernonia colorata Afrikaans: Bloeipluim en ontwikkelende vrugtepluim van 'n Laeveldbittertee, Jan Celliers Park, Pretoria English: Inflorescence and developing infrutescence of a Lowveld bitter-tea, Jan Celliers Park, Pretoria. Date: 22 September 2010, 08:37. Source: Own work. Author: Dr. J.C. Knobel. Permission(Reusing this file): Please cite the author. I hold the rights to this image and release it under the terms below. JMK (talk) 22:52, 5 August 2012 (UTC). Other versions: .
Description: Vernonia colorata Afrikaans: Blommende Laeveldbittertee, Jan Celliers Park, Pretoria English: A flowering Lowveld bitter-tea, Jan Celliers Park, Pretoria. Date: 22 September 2010, 08:37. Source: Own work. Author: Dr. J.C. Knobel. Permission(Reusing this file): Please cite the author. I hold the rights to this image and release it under the terms below. JMK (talk) 09:06, 6 August 2012 (UTC).
Description: English: Vernonia colorata (Willd.) Drake - Phabeni gate Kruger National Park, South Africa. Date: May 2017. Source: Own work. Author: Pierre Van Eeden.
Description: English: Vernonia colorata (Willd.) Drake - Phabeni gate Kruger National Park, South Africa. Date: May 2017. Source: Own work. Author: Pierre Van Eeden.
Description: English: Vernonia colorata (Willd.) Drake - Phabeni gate Kruger National Park, South Africa. Date: May 2017. Source: Own work. Author: Pierre Van Eeden.