succulent rosettes in cracks and on narrow rock ledges of volcanic welded tuff outcrops on steep hillside along upper canyon rim, with Wedelia, Cosmos, Drymaria, Euphorbia, Desmodium and Bouvardia
succulent rosettes in cracks and on narrow rock ledges of volcanic welded tuff outcrops on steep hillside along upper canyon rim, with Wedelia, Cosmos, Drymaria, Euphorbia, Desmodium and Bouvardia
succulent rosettes in cracks and on narrow rock ledges of volcanic welded tuff outcrops on steep hillside along upper canyon rim, with Wedelia, Cosmos, Drymaria, Euphorbia, Desmodium and Bouvardia
succulent rosettes in cracks and on narrow rock ledges of volcanic welded tuff outcrops on steep hillside along upper canyon rim, with Wedelia, Cosmos, Drymaria, Euphorbia, Desmodium and Bouvardia
on lower canyon cliffs of volcanic wielded tuff at the end of switchback just above Rio San Ignacio.
on lower canyon cliffs of volcanic wielded tuff at the end of switchback just above Rio San Ignacio.
on lower canyon cliffs of volcanic wielded tuff at the end of switchback just above Rio San Ignacio.
on lower canyon cliffs of volcanic wielded tuff at the end of switchback just above Rio San Ignacio.
on lower canyon cliffs of volcanic wielded tuff at the end of switchback just above Rio San Ignacio.
Hybrid with E. carnicolor
full sun on vertical SW face of large road cut in rhyolitic tuff