The Carolina Mantis, Stagmomantis carolina, is a medium-sized mantid native to North and Central America. This species has a long thorax, and the head and thorax combined are almost as long as the abdomen. The wings are relatively short, especially in females, and don't reach the tip of the abdomen. The color ranges from mottled grayish-brown to greenish-yellow with bright green wing covers and legs (Blatchley 1920, Milne & Milne 1980, Rau & Rau 1913).
Like other mantids, this species is a generalist predator of arthropods, but it has also been reported to attack small frogs and lizards (Burmeister 1838, Kevan 1985, Rau & Rau 1913). It grabs its prey with its enlarged, raptorial forelegs. Both the femur and tibia are adorned with strong spines to provide a secure hold on the prey (Resh & Cardé 2003).
Cannibalism has been observed both in nymphs and in adult females (Howard 1886, Rau & Rau 1913, Roberts 1928). However, reports of frequent sexual cannibalism (females devouring their mates) are probably greatly exaggerated (Prete et al. 1999).
Females deposit eggs on plant stems, surrounded by an ootheca. It is formed from a liquid substance secreted by large abdominal glands that is beaten into a froth by movements of the ovipositor blades. Upon exposure to the air, it quickly hardens to form a hard, protective case (Breland 1941, Rau & Rau 1913).