Location: Lower Saxony, GermanyHabitat: Apple tree
2010-05-14 Lower Austria, district Bruck/Leitha (Steingschirr, 190 m AMSL).Here at least two lichen species are present (probably more?): Xanthoria parietina (yellow) and some Physcia, possibly Ph. stellaris (not quite identifiable by photo alone).German names: Gewhnliche Gelbflechte (X. parietina) & (Stern?)-Schwielenflechte (Physcia)
Castel Fusano, Lazio, Italy
Jnkpings Ln, Sverige
Orinda, California, United States
2010.03.07 Lower Austria, district Schwechat (most likely on bark of Populus, bark lying on the ground, 155 m).Colour of this specimen suggests that it grew on a northerly exposed side (yellow-greenish rather than orange).Sharing this piece of bark with another (unidentified) lichen species.Very common.German name: Gewhnliche GelbflechteID: Wirth/Dll, Farbatlas Flechten und Moose (2000)
Caloplaca ignea is the orange lichen (also called the flame lichen), the yellow one is probably Caloplaca citrina. This granite boulder is a typical habitat.
Two species, maybe the orange one is Caloplaca ignea, the other Caloplaca citrina.
The areolar structure of Caloplaca ignea - the flame lichen.
Section through an areole of Caloplaca ignea shows the thinck orange layer over the top of the lichen, but also showing the green chlorophyte algae living among the hyphae of the fungal mycelium.
Section through an areole of Caloplaca ignea shows the thick orange layer over the top of the lichen, but also shows the algae living within the internal region with its fungal mycelium.
This is the growing margin of the lichen, extending over the surface of a granite rock.
Detail of the areoles of the flame lichen.