Sepal color phases are not stable and considerable variation occurs within populations. The type specimen of Delphinium gracilentum represents the northern, lower elevation, nonglandular, dark-flowered phase. The type specimen of D . gracilentum forma versicolor Ewan differs only by its pink or white flowers. A limited range of intermediate colors occurs, and populations may be made up of plants of a single color or several different colors. The type specimen of D . greenei Eastwood represents the southern, higher elevation, glandular (at least on pedicels) expression. The type specimen includes representatives of dark- and light-flowered individuals of this phase. The type specimen of D . gracilentum forma versicolor (not seen by the author) is the "albino" phase referred to by Greene in his description of D . gracilentum . Several of the paratypes cited by Ewan have been seen, as have a number of individuals in natural populations.
Delphinium gracilentum has been confused with D . patens or D . nuttallianum . Delphinium gracilentum may be distinguished from D . nuttallianum by its wider leaf lobes, smaller fruits, and more elongate inflorescences, and from D . patens by its wider leaf lobes, more open inflorescences, and usually shorter fruits.