Slo.: etinasti luknjiar - syn.: Polyporus lepideus Fr. - Habitat: Young riparian forest, Picea abies and Salix eleagnos dominant trees, next to a river; flat terrain occasionally flooded during high water levels of the river, calcareous, young alluvial ground; in shade, humid ground and air; partly protected from direct rain by tree canopies; average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 7-9 deg C, elevation 530 m (1.740 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. Substratum: fallen trunk of an old Salix eleagnos mostly not in direct contact with ground, still in bark, moss covered, in the late disintegration phase. Comments: According to its species name Polyporus ciliatus should have distinctly fringed edge of the pileus. However, this was barely so with this find. Apparently this trait is not very reliable. However, very small pores, barely seen by naked eye (6 pores/mm measured) and appearance in spring clearly distinct it from very similar Polyporus brumalis. About 50 pilei found on two places. Growing solitary and in groups, occasionally two fruitbodies confluent at the base of the stipe; pilei diameter from 35 to 70 mm, pore layer thin, up to 3 mm; stipe 3 - 5 cm long, 4 - 6 mm in diameter, equal and somewhat thicker at the base; pilei surprisingly sturdy, quite hard to cut and chew; smell mild, pleasant, mushroomy; taste distinct, mushroomy, somewhat unpleasant; SP abundant, whitish-light beige, oac851. Spores smooth. Dimensions: 5,4 [6 ; 6,2] 6,8 x 1,8 [2,1 ; 2,2] 2,5 microns; Q = 2,4 [2,8 ; 2,9] 3,3; N = 30; C = 95%; Me = 6,1 x 2,1 microns; Qe = 2,9. Olympus CH20, NEA 100x/1.25, magnification 1.000 x, oil, in water, fresh material. AmScope MA500 digital camera. Herbarium: Mycotheca and lichen herbarium (LJU-Li) of Slovenian Forestry Institute, Vena pot 2, Ljubljana, Index Herbariorum LJF Ref.: (1) L. Ryvarden, I. Melo, Poroid fungi of Europe, Synopsis Fungorum 31., Fungiflora (2014), p 357. (2) J. Breitenbach, F. Kraenzlin, Eds., Fungi of Switzerland, Vol.2. Verlag Mykologia (1986), p 326. (3) A. Bernicchia, Polyporaceaes l., Fungi Europaei, Vol. 10., Edizioni Candusso (2005), p 460. (4) S. Buczacki, Collins Fungi Guide, Collins (2012), p 510. (5) G.J. Krieglsteiner (Hrsg.), Die Grosspilze Baden-Wrttembergs, Band 1, Ulmer (2000), p 609.
Slo.: etinasti luknjiar - syn.: Polyporus lepideus Fr. - Habitat: Young riparian forest, Picea abies and Salix eleagnos dominant trees, next to a river; flat terrain occasionally flooded during high water levels of the river, calcareous, young alluvial ground; in shade, humid ground and air; partly protected from direct rain by tree canopies; average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 7-9 deg C, elevation 530 m (1.740 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. Substratum: fallen trunk of an old Salix eleagnos mostly not in direct contact with ground, still in bark, moss covered, in the late disintegration phase. Comments: According to its species name Polyporus ciliatus should have distinctly fringed edge of the pileus. However, this was barely so with this find. Apparently this trait is not very reliable. However, very small pores, barely seen by naked eye (6 pores/mm measured) and appearance in spring clearly distinct it from very similar Polyporus brumalis. About 50 pilei found on two places. Growing solitary and in groups, occasionally two fruitbodies confluent at the base of the stipe; pilei diameter from 35 to 70 mm, pore layer thin, up to 3 mm; stipe 3 - 5 cm long, 4 - 6 mm in diameter, equal and somewhat thicker at the base; pilei surprisingly sturdy, quite hard to cut and chew; smell mild, pleasant, mushroomy; taste distinct, mushroomy, somewhat unpleasant; SP abundant, whitish-light beige, oac851. Spores smooth. Dimensions: 5,4 [6 ; 6,2] 6,8 x 1,8 [2,1 ; 2,2] 2,5 microns; Q = 2,4 [2,8 ; 2,9] 3,3; N = 30; C = 95%; Me = 6,1 x 2,1 microns; Qe = 2,9. Olympus CH20, NEA 100x/1.25, magnification 1.000 x, oil, in water, fresh material. AmScope MA500 digital camera. Herbarium: Mycotheca and lichen herbarium (LJU-Li) of Slovenian Forestry Institute, Vena pot 2, Ljubljana, Index Herbariorum LJF Ref.: (1) L. Ryvarden, I. Melo, Poroid fungi of Europe, Synopsis Fungorum 31., Fungiflora (2014), p 357. (2) J. Breitenbach, F. Kraenzlin, Eds., Fungi of Switzerland, Vol.2. Verlag Mykologia (1986), p 326. (3) A. Bernicchia, Polyporaceaes l., Fungi Europaei, Vol. 10., Edizioni Candusso (2005), p 460. (4) S. Buczacki, Collins Fungi Guide, Collins (2012), p 510. (5) G.J. Krieglsteiner (Hrsg.), Die Grosspilze Baden-Wrttembergs, Band 1, Ulmer (2000), p 609.
Slo.: hrastov blazinec - Habitat: Light mixed wood edge, Fagus sylvatica, Picea abies, Ostrya carprinifolia, Fraxinus ornus, Corylus avellana dominant; modestly southeast inclined terrain; calcareous ground, overgrown old scree and rocks; relatively dry and warm place; mostly in shade; partly protected from direct rain by tree canopies, average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 7-9 deg C, elevation 615 m (2.000 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. - Substratum: still standing dry branch of Corylus avellana still in bark and about 3.5 cm in diameter; sporocarp about 1 m (3 feet) above ground. - Comments: This quite rare Polyporaceae was growing solitary in a form of three 'pilei-like' clumps fused together, all three together measured 6 x 2.5 cm and were max 1 cm thick; flesh hard, brittle, fibrous; smell indistinctive; sporocarps photographed in still moist, apparently alive condition; SP none - I have no good luck regarding spores with this species. KOH 5% on trama chestnut brown, on pores surface weak darkening. - Herbarium: Mycotheca and lichen herbarium (LJU-Li) of Slovenian Forestry Institute, Vena pot 2, Ljubljana, Index Herbariorum LJF - Ref.: (1) L. Ryvarden, R.L. Gilbertson, European Polypores, Fungiflora, Vol.1. (1993), p 238. (2) J. Breitenbach, F. Kraenzlin, Eds., Fungi of Switzerland, Vol.2. Verlag Mykologia (1984), p 282. (3) G.J. Krieglsteiner (Hrsg.), Die Grosspilze Baden-Wrttembergs, Band 1, Ulmer (2000), p 608. (4) R. Phillips, Mushrooms, Macmillan (2006), p 315. (5) A. Bernicchia, Polyporaceae s.l., Edizioni Candusso (2005), p 201. (6) Personal communication with Mr. Bojan Rot, www.gobenabovskem.com
Slo.: hrastov blazinec - Habitat: Light mixed wood edge, Fagus sylvatica, Picea abies, Ostrya carprinifolia, Fraxinus ornus, Corylus avellana dominant; modestly southeast inclined terrain; calcareous ground, overgrown old scree and rocks; relatively dry and warm place; mostly in shade; partly protected from direct rain by tree canopies, average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 7-9 deg C, elevation 615 m (2.000 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. - Substratum: still standing dry branch of Corylus avellana still in bark and about 3.5 cm in diameter; sporocarp about 1 m (3 feet) above ground. - Comments: This quite rare Polyporaceae was growing solitary in a form of three 'pilei-like' clumps fused together, all three together measured 6 x 2.5 cm and were max 1 cm thick; flesh hard, brittle, fibrous; smell indistinctive; sporocarps photographed in still moist, apparently alive condition; SP none - I have no good luck regarding spores with this species. KOH 5% on trama chestnut brown, on pores surface weak darkening. - Herbarium: Mycotheca and lichen herbarium (LJU-Li) of Slovenian Forestry Institute, Vena pot 2, Ljubljana, Index Herbariorum LJF - Ref.: (1) L. Ryvarden, R.L. Gilbertson, European Polypores, Fungiflora, Vol.1. (1993), p 238. (2) J. Breitenbach, F. Kraenzlin, Eds., Fungi of Switzerland, Vol.2. Verlag Mykologia (1984), p 282. (3) G.J. Krieglsteiner (Hrsg.), Die Grosspilze Baden-Wrttembergs, Band 1, Ulmer (2000), p 608. (4) R. Phillips, Mushrooms, Macmillan (2006), p 315. (5) A. Bernicchia, Polyporaceae s.l., Edizioni Candusso (2005), p 201. (6) Personal communication with Mr. Bojan Rot, www.gobenabovskem.com
Slo.: hrastov blazinec - Habitat: Light mixed wood edge, Fagus sylvatica, Picea abies, Ostrya carprinifolia, Fraxinus ornus, Corylus avellana dominant; modestly southeast inclined terrain; calcareous ground, overgrown old scree and rocks; relatively dry and warm place; mostly in shade; partly protected from direct rain by tree canopies, average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 7-9 deg C, elevation 615 m (2.000 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. - Substratum: still standing dry branch of Corylus avellana still in bark and about 3.5 cm in diameter; sporocarp about 1 m (3 feet) above ground. - Comments: This quite rare Polyporaceae was growing solitary in a form of three 'pilei-like' clumps fused together, all three together measured 6 x 2.5 cm and were max 1 cm thick; flesh hard, brittle, fibrous; smell indistinctive; sporocarps photographed in still moist, apparently alive condition; SP none - I have no good luck regarding spores with this species. KOH 5% on trama chestnut brown, on pores surface weak darkening. - Herbarium: Mycotheca and lichen herbarium (LJU-Li) of Slovenian Forestry Institute, Vena pot 2, Ljubljana, Index Herbariorum LJF - Ref.: (1) L. Ryvarden, R.L. Gilbertson, European Polypores, Fungiflora, Vol.1. (1993), p 238. (2) J. Breitenbach, F. Kraenzlin, Eds., Fungi of Switzerland, Vol.2. Verlag Mykologia (1984), p 282. (3) G.J. Krieglsteiner (Hrsg.), Die Grosspilze Baden-Wrttembergs, Band 1, Ulmer (2000), p 608. (4) R. Phillips, Mushrooms, Macmillan (2006), p 315. (5) A. Bernicchia, Polyporaceae s.l., Edizioni Candusso (2005), p 201. (6) Personal communication with Mr. Bojan Rot, www.gobenabovskem.com
Slo.: tribarvna zvitocevka - Habitat: Harwood forest, almost flat calcareous terrain, northeast oriented, humid place, in shade, partly protected from direct rain, average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 8-10 deg C, elevation 480 m (1.600 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. - Substratum: fallen rotten thick branch of Corylus avellana. - Comments: Growing gregariously, fruitbody diameter up to 8 cm (3,2 inch), flesh hard. Dry and dead (?) fruitbodies. - Comments Some people consider Daedaleopsis tricolor (Bull.) Fr., Mycol. eur. (Erlanga) 3: 12 (1828) as a variety of: Daedaleopsis confragosa var. tricolor or simply Daedaleopsis confrangosa. To my experience D. tricolor and D. confragosa differ significantly in appearance. Growing gregariously, fruitbody diameter up to 8 cm (3,2 inch), flesh hard. Dry and dead (?) fruitbodies. - Ref.: (1) A.Bernicchia, Polyporaceae s.l., Edizioni Candusso (2005), p 195.
Slo.: tribarvna zvitocevka - Habitat: Harwood forest, almost flat calcareous terrain, northeast oriented, humid place, in shade, partly protected from direct rain, average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 8-10 deg C, elevation 480 m (1.600 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. - Substratum: fallen rotten thick branch of Corylus avellana. - Comments: Growing gregariously, fruitbody diameter up to 8 cm (3,2 inch), flesh hard. Dry and dead (?) fruitbodies. - Comments Some people consider Daedaleopsis tricolor (Bull.) Fr., Mycol. eur. (Erlanga) 3: 12 (1828) as a variety of: Daedaleopsis confragosa var. tricolor or simply Daedaleopsis confrangosa. To my experience D. tricolor and D. confragosa differ significantly in appearance. Growing gregariously, fruitbody diameter up to 8 cm (3,2 inch), flesh hard. Dry and dead (?) fruitbodies. - Ref.: (1) A.Bernicchia, Polyporaceae s.l., Edizioni Candusso (2005), p 195.
Slo.: tribarvna zvitocevka - Habitat: Harwood forest, almost flat calcareous terrain, northeast oriented, humid place, in shade, partly protected from direct rain, average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 8-10 deg C, elevation 480 m (1.600 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. - Substratum: fallen rotten thick branch of Corylus avellana. - Comments: Growing gregariously, fruitbody diameter up to 8 cm (3,2 inch), flesh hard. Dry and dead (?) fruitbodies. - Comments Some people consider Daedaleopsis tricolor (Bull.) Fr., Mycol. eur. (Erlanga) 3: 12 (1828) as a variety of: Daedaleopsis confragosa var. tricolor or simply Daedaleopsis confrangosa. To my experience D. tricolor and D. confragosa differ significantly in appearance. Growing gregariously, fruitbody diameter up to 8 cm (3,2 inch), flesh hard. Dry and dead (?) fruitbodies. - Ref.: (1) A.Bernicchia, Polyporaceae s.l., Edizioni Candusso (2005), p 195.
Slo.: tribarvna zvitocevka - Habitat: Harwood forest, almost flat calcareous terrain, northeast oriented, humid place, in shade, partly protected from direct rain, average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 8-10 deg C, elevation 480 m (1.600 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. - Substratum: fallen rotten thick branch of Corylus avellana. - Comments: Growing gregariously, fruitbody diameter up to 8 cm (3,2 inch), flesh hard. Dry and dead (?) fruitbodies. - Comments Some people consider Daedaleopsis tricolor (Bull.) Fr., Mycol. eur. (Erlanga) 3: 12 (1828) as a variety of: Daedaleopsis confragosa var. tricolor or simply Daedaleopsis confrangosa. To my experience D. tricolor and D. confragosa differ significantly in appearance. Growing gregariously, fruitbody diameter up to 8 cm (3,2 inch), flesh hard. Dry and dead (?) fruitbodies. - Ref.: (1) A.Bernicchia, Polyporaceae s.l., Edizioni Candusso (2005), p 195.
Slo.: tribarvna zvitocevka - Habitat: Harwood forest, almost flat calcareous terrain, northeast oriented, humid place, in shade, partly protected from direct rain, average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 8-10 deg C, elevation 480 m (1.600 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. - Substratum: fallen rotten thick branch of Corylus avellana. - Comments: Growing gregariously, fruitbody diameter up to 8 cm (3,2 inch), flesh hard. Dry and dead (?) fruitbodies. - Comments Some people consider Daedaleopsis tricolor (Bull.) Fr., Mycol. eur. (Erlanga) 3: 12 (1828) as a variety of: Daedaleopsis confragosa var. tricolor or simply Daedaleopsis confrangosa. To my experience D. tricolor and D. confragosa differ significantly in appearance. Growing gregariously, fruitbody diameter up to 8 cm (3,2 inch), flesh hard. Dry and dead (?) fruitbodies. - Ref.: (1) A.Bernicchia, Polyporaceae s.l., Edizioni Candusso (2005), p 195.
Slo.: tribarvna zvitocevka - Habitat: Harwood forest, almost flat calcareous terrain, northeast oriented, humid place, in shade, partly protected from direct rain, average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 8-10 deg C, elevation 480 m (1.600 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. - Substratum: fallen rotten thick branch of Corylus avellana. - Comments: Growing gregariously, fruitbody diameter up to 8 cm (3,2 inch), flesh hard. Dry and dead (?) fruitbodies. - Comments Some people consider Daedaleopsis tricolor (Bull.) Fr., Mycol. eur. (Erlanga) 3: 12 (1828) as a variety of: Daedaleopsis confragosa var. tricolor or simply Daedaleopsis confrangosa. To my experience D. tricolor and D. confragosa differ significantly in appearance. Growing gregariously, fruitbody diameter up to 8 cm (3,2 inch), flesh hard. Dry and dead (?) fruitbodies. - Ref.: (1) A.Bernicchia, Polyporaceae s.l., Edizioni Candusso (2005), p 195.
Slo.: tribarvna zvitocevka - Habitat: Harwood forest, almost flat calcareous terrain, northeast oriented, humid place, in shade, partly protected from direct rain, average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 8-10 deg C, elevation 480 m (1.600 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. - Substratum: fallen rotten thick branch of Corylus avellana. - Comments: Growing gregariously, fruitbody diameter up to 8 cm (3,2 inch), flesh hard. Dry and dead (?) fruitbodies. - Comments Some people consider Daedaleopsis tricolor (Bull.) Fr., Mycol. eur. (Erlanga) 3: 12 (1828) as a variety of: Daedaleopsis confragosa var. tricolor or simply Daedaleopsis confrangosa. To my experience D. tricolor and D. confragosa differ significantly in appearance. Growing gregariously, fruitbody diameter up to 8 cm (3,2 inch), flesh hard. Dry and dead (?) fruitbodies. - Ref.: (1) A.Bernicchia, Polyporaceae s.l., Edizioni Candusso (2005), p 195.
Slo.: tribarvna zvitocevka - Habitat: Harwood forest, almost flat calcareous terrain, northeast oriented, humid place, in shade, partly protected from direct rain, average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 8-10 deg C, elevation 480 m (1.600 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. - Substratum: fallen rotten thick branch of Corylus avellana. - Comments: Growing gregariously, fruitbody diameter up to 8 cm (3,2 inch), flesh hard. Dry and dead (?) fruitbodies. - Comments Some people consider Daedaleopsis tricolor (Bull.) Fr., Mycol. eur. (Erlanga) 3: 12 (1828) as a variety of: Daedaleopsis confragosa var. tricolor or simply Daedaleopsis confrangosa. To my experience D. tricolor and D. confragosa differ significantly in appearance. Growing gregariously, fruitbody diameter up to 8 cm (3,2 inch), flesh hard. Dry and dead (?) fruitbodies. - Ref.: (1) A.Bernicchia, Polyporaceae s.l., Edizioni Candusso (2005), p 195.
1998 California Academy of Sciences
1998 California Academy of Sciences
Slo.: klobuasta ploskocevka - Habitat: South inclined mountain slope, broadleaf forest, calcareous ground, quite humid but relatively warm place, mostly in shade, partly protected from direct rain by tree canopies, average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 8-10 deg C, elevation 540 m (1.750 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. - Substratum: dead, hanging (not lying on ground), thick branch of Corylus avellana; Tremella mesenterica and Panellus stipticus also present. - Comments: Growing in group of several pilei. Pileus across up to 5.5 cm (2.2 inch) by 4.3 cm (1.7 inch) and up to 15 mm thick (0.7 inch). Smell faint, unpleasant, acid, taste indistinctive. Flesh soft, leathery, and bendable. SP whitish, faint. Cups zonate, beige/ pail brown (oac 777), with somewhat darker brownish strips (oac748) and white margin, hymenium whitish-light ocher (oac857). - Spore dimensions: 6.6 (SD = 0.5) x 2.6 (SD = 0.2) micr., Q = 2.6 (SD = 0.22), n = 30. Motic B2-211A, magnification 1.000 x, oil, in water. - Ref.: (1) G.J.Krieglsteiner (Hrsg.), Die Grosspilze Bade-Wrttembergs, Band 1., Ulmer (2000), p 588. (2) A.Bernicchia, Polyporaceae s.l., Fungi Europaei, Vol.10., Edizioni Candusso (2005), p 534. (3) http://www.mycobank.org/mycotaxo.aspx .
Slo.: klobuasta ploskocevka - Habitat: South inclined mountain slope, broadleaf forest, calcareous ground, quite humid but relatively warm place, mostly in shade, partly protected from direct rain by tree canopies, average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 8-10 deg C, elevation 540 m (1.750 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. - Substratum: dead, hanging (not lying on ground), thick branch of Corylus avellana; Tremella mesenterica and Panellus stipticus also present. - Comments: Growing in group of several pilei. Pileus across up to 5.5 cm (2.2 inch) by 4.3 cm (1.7 inch) and up to 15 mm thick (0.7 inch). Smell faint, unpleasant, acid, taste indistinctive. Flesh soft, leathery, and bendable. SP whitish, faint. Cups zonate, beige/ pail brown (oac 777), with somewhat darker brownish strips (oac748) and white margin, hymenium whitish-light ocher (oac857). - Spore dimensions: 6.6 (SD = 0.5) x 2.6 (SD = 0.2) micr., Q = 2.6 (SD = 0.22), n = 30. Motic B2-211A, magnification 1.000 x, oil, in water. - Ref.: (1) G.J.Krieglsteiner (Hrsg.), Die Grosspilze Bade-Wrttembergs, Band 1., Ulmer (2000), p 588. (2) A.Bernicchia, Polyporaceae s.l., Fungi Europaei, Vol.10., Edizioni Candusso (2005), p 534. (3) http://www.mycobank.org/mycotaxo.aspx .
Slo.: klobuasta ploskocevka - Habitat: South inclined mountain slope, broadleaf forest, calcareous ground, quite humid but relatively warm place, mostly in shade, partly protected from direct rain by tree canopies, average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 8-10 deg C, elevation 540 m (1.750 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. - Substratum: dead, hanging (not lying on ground), thick branch of Corylus avellana; Tremella mesenterica and Panellus stipticus also present. - Comments: Growing in group of several pilei. Pileus across up to 5.5 cm (2.2 inch) by 4.3 cm (1.7 inch) and up to 15 mm thick (0.7 inch). Smell faint, unpleasant, acid, taste indistinctive. Flesh soft, leathery, and bendable. SP whitish, faint. Cups zonate, beige/ pail brown (oac 777), with somewhat darker brownish strips (oac748) and white margin, hymenium whitish-light ocher (oac857). - Spore dimensions: 6.6 (SD = 0.5) x 2.6 (SD = 0.2) micr., Q = 2.6 (SD = 0.22), n = 30. Motic B2-211A, magnification 1.000 x, oil, in water. - Ref.: (1) G.J.Krieglsteiner (Hrsg.), Die Grosspilze Bade-Wrttembergs, Band 1., Ulmer (2000), p 588. (2) A.Bernicchia, Polyporaceae s.l., Fungi Europaei, Vol.10., Edizioni Candusso (2005), p 534. (3) http://www.mycobank.org/mycotaxo.aspx .
Slo.: klobuasta ploskocevka - Habitat: South inclined mountain slope, broadleaf forest, calcareous ground, quite humid but relatively warm place, mostly in shade, partly protected from direct rain by tree canopies, average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 8-10 deg C, elevation 540 m (1.750 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. - Substratum: dead, hanging (not lying on ground), thick branch of Corylus avellana; Tremella mesenterica and Panellus stipticus also present. - Comments: Growing in group of several pilei. Pileus across up to 5.5 cm (2.2 inch) by 4.3 cm (1.7 inch) and up to 15 mm thick (0.7 inch). Smell faint, unpleasant, acid, taste indistinctive. Flesh soft, leathery, and bendable. SP whitish, faint. Cups zonate, beige/ pail brown (oac 777), with somewhat darker brownish strips (oac748) and white margin, hymenium whitish-light ocher (oac857). - Spore dimensions: 6.6 (SD = 0.5) x 2.6 (SD = 0.2) micr., Q = 2.6 (SD = 0.22), n = 30. Motic B2-211A, magnification 1.000 x, oil, in water. - Ref.: (1) G.J.Krieglsteiner (Hrsg.), Die Grosspilze Bade-Wrttembergs, Band 1., Ulmer (2000), p 588. (2) A.Bernicchia, Polyporaceae s.l., Fungi Europaei, Vol.10., Edizioni Candusso (2005), p 534. (3) http://www.mycobank.org/mycotaxo.aspx .
Slo.: klobuasta ploskocevka - Habitat: South inclined mountain slope, broadleaf forest, calcareous ground, quite humid but relatively warm place, mostly in shade, partly protected from direct rain by tree canopies, average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 8-10 deg C, elevation 540 m (1.750 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. - Substratum: dead, hanging (not lying on ground), thick branch of Corylus avellana; Tremella mesenterica and Panellus stipticus also present. - Comments: Growing in group of several pilei. Pileus across up to 5.5 cm (2.2 inch) by 4.3 cm (1.7 inch) and up to 15 mm thick (0.7 inch). Smell faint, unpleasant, acid, taste indistinctive. Flesh soft, leathery, and bendable. SP whitish, faint. Cups zonate, beige/ pail brown (oac 777), with somewhat darker brownish strips (oac748) and white margin, hymenium whitish-light ocher (oac857). - Spore dimensions: 6.6 (SD = 0.5) x 2.6 (SD = 0.2) micr., Q = 2.6 (SD = 0.22), n = 30. Motic B2-211A, magnification 1.000 x, oil, in water. - Ref.: (1) G.J.Krieglsteiner (Hrsg.), Die Grosspilze Bade-Wrttembergs, Band 1., Ulmer (2000), p 588. (2) A.Bernicchia, Polyporaceae s.l., Fungi Europaei, Vol.10., Edizioni Candusso (2005), p 534. (3) http://www.mycobank.org/mycotaxo.aspx .
Slo.: klobuasta ploskocevka - Habitat: South inclined mountain slope, broadleaf forest, calcareous ground, quite humid but relatively warm place, mostly in shade, partly protected from direct rain by tree canopies, average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 8-10 deg C, elevation 540 m (1.750 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. - Substratum: dead, hanging (not lying on ground), thick branch of Corylus avellana; Tremella mesenterica and Panellus stipticus also present. - Comments: Growing in group of several pilei. Pileus across up to 5.5 cm (2.2 inch) by 4.3 cm (1.7 inch) and up to 15 mm thick (0.7 inch). Smell faint, unpleasant, acid, taste indistinctive. Flesh soft, leathery, and bendable. SP whitish, faint. Cups zonate, beige/ pail brown (oac 777), with somewhat darker brownish strips (oac748) and white margin, hymenium whitish-light ocher (oac857). - Spore dimensions: 6.6 (SD = 0.5) x 2.6 (SD = 0.2) micr., Q = 2.6 (SD = 0.22), n = 30. Motic B2-211A, magnification 1.000 x, oil, in water. - Ref.: (1) G.J.Krieglsteiner (Hrsg.), Die Grosspilze Bade-Wrttembergs, Band 1., Ulmer (2000), p 588. (2) A.Bernicchia, Polyporaceae s.l., Fungi Europaei, Vol.10., Edizioni Candusso (2005), p 534. (3) http://www.mycobank.org/mycotaxo.aspx .
Slo.: klobuasta ploskocevka - Habitat: South inclined mountain slope, broadleaf forest, calcareous ground, quite humid but relatively warm place, mostly in shade, partly protected from direct rain by tree canopies, average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 8-10 deg C, elevation 540 m (1.750 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. - Substratum: dead, hanging (not lying on ground), thick branch of Corylus avellana; Tremella mesenterica and Panellus stipticus also present. - Comments: Growing in group of several pilei. Pileus across up to 5.5 cm (2.2 inch) by 4.3 cm (1.7 inch) and up to 15 mm thick (0.7 inch). Smell faint, unpleasant, acid, taste indistinctive. Flesh soft, leathery, and bendable. SP whitish, faint. Cups zonate, beige/ pail brown (oac 777), with somewhat darker brownish strips (oac748) and white margin, hymenium whitish-light ocher (oac857). - Spore dimensions: 6.6 (SD = 0.5) x 2.6 (SD = 0.2) micr., Q = 2.6 (SD = 0.22), n = 30. Motic B2-211A, magnification 1.000 x, oil, in water. - Ref.: (1) G.J.Krieglsteiner (Hrsg.), Die Grosspilze Bade-Wrttembergs, Band 1., Ulmer (2000), p 588. (2) A.Bernicchia, Polyporaceae s.l., Fungi Europaei, Vol.10., Edizioni Candusso (2005), p 534. (3) http://www.mycobank.org/mycotaxo.aspx .
Slo.: klobuasta ploskocevka - Habitat: South inclined mountain slope, broadleaf forest, calcareous ground, quite humid but relatively warm place, mostly in shade, partly protected from direct rain by tree canopies, average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 8-10 deg C, elevation 540 m (1.750 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. - Substratum: dead, hanging (not lying on ground), thick branch of Corylus avellana; Tremella mesenterica and Panellus stipticus also present. - Comments: Growing in group of several pilei. Pileus across up to 5.5 cm (2.2 inch) by 4.3 cm (1.7 inch) and up to 15 mm thick (0.7 inch). Smell faint, unpleasant, acid, taste indistinctive. Flesh soft, leathery, and bendable. SP whitish, faint. Cups zonate, beige/ pail brown (oac 777), with somewhat darker brownish strips (oac748) and white margin, hymenium whitish-light ocher (oac857). - Spore dimensions: 6.6 (SD = 0.5) x 2.6 (SD = 0.2) micr., Q = 2.6 (SD = 0.22), n = 30. Motic B2-211A, magnification 1.000 x, oil, in water. - Ref.: (1) G.J.Krieglsteiner (Hrsg.), Die Grosspilze Bade-Wrttembergs, Band 1., Ulmer (2000), p 588. (2) A.Bernicchia, Polyporaceae s.l., Fungi Europaei, Vol.10., Edizioni Candusso (2005), p 534. (3) http://www.mycobank.org/mycotaxo.aspx .
Slo.: klobuasta ploskocevka - Habitat: South inclined mountain slope, broadleaf forest, calcareous ground, quite humid but relatively warm place, mostly in shade, partly protected from direct rain by tree canopies, average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 8-10 deg C, elevation 540 m (1.750 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. - Substratum: dead, hanging (not lying on ground), thick branch of Corylus avellana; Tremella mesenterica and Panellus stipticus also present. - Comments: Growing in group of several pilei. Pileus across up to 5.5 cm (2.2 inch) by 4.3 cm (1.7 inch) and up to 15 mm thick (0.7 inch). Smell faint, unpleasant, acid, taste indistinctive. Flesh soft, leathery, and bendable. SP whitish, faint. Cups zonate, beige/ pail brown (oac 777), with somewhat darker brownish strips (oac748) and white margin, hymenium whitish-light ocher (oac857). - Spore dimensions: 6.6 (SD = 0.5) x 2.6 (SD = 0.2) micr., Q = 2.6 (SD = 0.22), n = 30. Motic B2-211A, magnification 1.000 x, oil, in water. - Ref.: (1) G.J.Krieglsteiner (Hrsg.), Die Grosspilze Bade-Wrttembergs, Band 1., Ulmer (2000), p 588. (2) A.Bernicchia, Polyporaceae s.l., Fungi Europaei, Vol.10., Edizioni Candusso (2005), p 534. (3) http://www.mycobank.org/mycotaxo.aspx .