2005 The Regents of the University of California
Coulter pine type on north slope of Corte Madera Mt. Understory of Ceanothus oliganthus (=Ceanothus divaricatus) and Arctostaphylos pungens. Coast live oak is associated with the Coulter pine., T 16 S R 4 E Sec 20 Quad name: Cuyamaca. Quad number: 191. Reference to map: 11.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Coulter pine type on north slope of Corte Madera Mt. Understory of Ceanothus oliganthus (=Ceanothus divaricatus) and Arctostaphylos pungens. Coast live oak is associated with the Coulter pine. (Same as # 265812), T 16 S R 4 E Sec 20 Quad name: Cuyamaca. Quad number: 191. Reference to map: 11.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Cottonwood Creek. Shows typical coast live oak-Arctostaphylos pungens-Artemisia tridentata association. Assoc. species are Gutierrezia sarothrae, Ceanothus oliganthus (=Ceanothus divaricatus)., T 17 S R 5 E Sec 5 Quad name: Carrizo. Quad number: 190.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Cottonwood Creek. Arctostaphylos pungens. Does not form sprouting burl at base of stem. Killed outright by fire. Assoc. species: Artemisia tridentata and Quercus agrifolia., T 17 S R 5 E Sec 5 Quad name: Carrizo. Quad number: 190.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Typical association of coast live oak with Arctostaphylos pungens. 3' rule points out individual Arctostaphylos pungens. Assoc species: Artemisia tridentata, Ceanothus cuneatus, Gutierrezia sarothrae, Ericameria pinifolia (=Epicameria pinifolia)., T 17 S R 5 E Sec 8 Quad name: Carrizo. Quad number: 190.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Jeffrey pine-coast live oak type. Understory-Arctostaphylos pungens and Symphoricarpos sp. Quad name: Cuyamaca. Quad number: 191. Reference to map: 8.
Madera Canyon, Coronado National Forest, Santa Cruz County, Arizona, US
Madera Canyon, Coronado National Forest, Santa Cruz County, Arizona, US
Madera Canyon, Coronado National Forest, Santa Cruz County, Arizona, US
Madera Canyon, Coronado National Forest, Santa Cruz County, Arizona, US
Madera Canyon, Coronado National Forest, Santa Cruz County, Arizona, US
Madera Canyon, Coronado National Forest, Santa Cruz County, Arizona, US
Madera Canyon, Coronado National Forest, Santa Cruz County, Arizona, US
Madera Canyon, Coronado National Forest, Santa Cruz County, Arizona, US
Madera Canyon, Coronado National Forest, Santa Cruz County, Arizona, US
Madera Canyon, Coronado National Forest, Santa Cruz County, Arizona, US
Madera Canyon, Coronado National Forest, Santa Cruz County, Arizona, US