Aquarium, Paris
Heros tetracanthus latus Eigenmann, new subspecies.
Heros urophthalmus Gunther.
Marnix P. de Zeeuw, Irene Westbroek, Martien J.P. van Oijen, Frans Witte
Figure 5.Preserved colours of Haplochromis argens sp. n. ♂ 67.3 mm SL (holotype, RMNH.PISC.83588). Scale bar equals 10 mm.
Kattegatcentret Grenå
Aquarium, Paris
Cichlasoma brimaculatum L..
Chaetobranchopsis australe Eigenmann and Ward.
Marnix P. de Zeeuw, Irene Westbroek, Martien J.P. van Oijen, Frans Witte
Figure 2.Habitus of Haplochromis argens sp. n. ♂ (holotype, RMNH.PISC.83588). Scale bar equals 10 mm. Drawing by I. Westbroek, missing (= dotted) scales added by M. van Oijen.
Kattegatcentret Grenå
Cichlasoma teapae, new species.
Marnix P. de Zeeuw, Irene Westbroek, Martien J.P. van Oijen, Frans Witte
Figure 6.Habitus of Haplochromis goldschmidti sp. n. ♂ (holotype, RMNH.PISC.83573). Scale bar equals 10 mm. Drawing by I. Westbroek, missing (= dotted) scales added by M. van Oijen.
Heros tetracanthus ictracanthus Cuvier & Valenciennes (Type B).
Marnix P. de Zeeuw, Irene Westbroek, Martien J.P. van Oijen, Frans Witte
Figure 7.Skeletal elements of Haplochromis goldschmidti sp. n. A Right premaxilla, lateral view (RMNH.PISC.83695) B Right lower jaw, lateral view (RMNH.PISC.83695) C Lower pharyngeal element, dorsal view (RMNH.PISC.83701) D Lower pharyngeal element, lateral view (RMNH.PISC.83701). Scale bars equal 1 mm. Drawn by I. Westbroek.
Heros tetracanthus ictracanthus Cuvier & Valenciennes (Type C).
Marnix P. de Zeeuw, Irene Westbroek, Martien J.P. van Oijen, Frans Witte
Figure 8.Live colours of Haplochromis goldschmidti sp. n. A sexually active ♂, 53.6 mm SL (paratype, RMNH.PISC.80480) B sexually active ♂, 57.5 mm SL (paratype, RMNH.PISC.83575).
Heros tetracanthus toralbasi Eigenmann, the type of new subspecies (Type A).
Marnix P. de Zeeuw, Irene Westbroek, Martien J.P. van Oijen, Frans Witte
Figure 9.Preserved colours of Haplochromis goldschmidti sp. n. ♂ 60.3 mm SL (holotype, RMNH.PISC.83573). Scale bar equals 10 mm.
Heros istlanus Jordan & Snyder, new species. Type.
Marnix P. de Zeeuw, Irene Westbroek, Martien J.P. van Oijen, Frans Witte
Figure 3.Skeletal elements of Haplochromis argens sp. n. A Right premaxilla, lateral view (RMNH.PISC.83705) B Right premaxilla, lateral (top) and occlusal (bottom) views (RMNH.PISC.83621), illustrating, for this species, a rare case of a posteriorly edentulous premaxilla C Right lower jaw, lateral view (RMNH.PISC.83697) D Lower pharyngeal element, dorsal view (RMNH.PISC. 83706) E Lower pharyngeal element, lateral view (RMNH.PISC.83706). Scale bars equal 1 mm. A, C, D drawn by I. Westbroek, B by M. van Oijen.