F Laengsschnitt, Schem[a]tische Rekonstruktion
G weibliche Organe desselben Exemplars [als Fig. 53H], getrennt gezeichnet, weil sie in F von den maennlichen Organen verdeckt wuerden
I Jensenia angulata, Kopulationsorogan nach Graff 1905
I Kopulationsorgan nach ER Jones & Ferguson, sekr eosinophiles Sekret
A, habitus of a live animal; B, reconstruction of the atrial organs from the left side (male genital system is displaced caudally for clarity); C, reconstruction from transverse sections of the female genital system; D, organisation of the genital system (from a live specimen); E, stylet (from the holotype).
(A) Habitus of a live animal; (B) general organization (from a live specimen); (C) stylet (from the holotype); (D) stylet (from a paratype); (E) reconstruction of the atrial organs from the right side.