NeheAsteraceae (Sunflower family)[formerly Lipochaeta integrifolia, Melanthera integrifolia]Endemic to the Hawaiian Islands (all main islands and some offshore islands. In the Northwest Islands, only on Kure Atoll and Laysan)Oahu (Cultivated)One older source (Charles Gaudichaud,1819) states that early Hawaiians "used all fragrant plants, all flowers and even colored fruits" for lei making. The red or yellow were indicative of divine and cheifly rank; the purple flowers and fruit, or with fragrance, were associated with divinety. Because of their long-standing place in oral tradition, the flowers of nehe were likely used for lei making by early Hawaiians, even though there are no written sources.Today, nehe flowers continue to be used in lei making.EtymologyThe generic name Lipochaeta is derived from the Greek lipo, fat, and chaeta, bristles or hairs.The specific epithet integrifolia is derived from the Latin integra, with entire, and folius, leaves.