Jens Prena, Boris Korotyaev, Zhiliang Wang, Li Ren, Ning Liu, Runzhi Zhang
Figure 13.Map of China and neighboring countries showing the distribution of ten of eleven Palaearctic Limnobaris species. See Yoshihara and Morimoto (1994) for distribution of Limnobaris babai in Japan. Yellow line demarks southern limit of Palaeartic Realm according to Hoffmann (2001). Topographic relief in 1000 m increments calculated from GTOPO30 data set of US Geological Survey, EROS data center.
Junhao Huang, Hiraku Yoshitake, Runzhi Zhang, Motomi Ito
Figures 40–49.Male and female terminalia of Scleropteroides hypocrita (Hustache) from Takaosan, Japan. 40 Aedeagus, dorsal view 41 Apex of the penis, dorsal view 42 Aedeagus, lateral view 43 Tegmen 44 Sternites VIII and IX, male 45 Female terminalia and genitalia, lateral view. 46 Tergite VIII, female 47 Sternite VIII, female 48 Coxite and stylus. 49 Spermatheca. Scale: 0.20 mm for 40–47, 0.10 mm for 48–49.