Figures 61–66.Male parameres (with or without phallobase), dorsal and lateral views, in Peltonotus. Male parameres are highly asymmetrical, and we illustrate the lateral view that best assists in identification. 61 Peltonotus fujiokai 62 Peltonotus gracilipodus and Peltonotus podocrassus 63 Peltonotus karubei 64 Peltonotus malayensis 65 Peltonotus morio 66 Peltonotus nasutus.
Paschoal Coelho Grossi, Everardo José Grossi
Figures 3–14.Amblyodus spp. 3–4 Head and pronotum of a male major of Amblyodus castroi in dorsal and lateral views respectively 5–6 Parameres of Amblyodus castroi in caudal and lateral views respectively 7–8 Head and pronotum of a female of Amblyodus castroi in dorsal and lateral views respectively 9–10 Head and pronotum of Amblyodus taurus in dorsal and lateral views respectively 11–12 Parameres of Amblyodus taurus in caudal and lateral views respectively 13–14 Head and pronotum of a male minor of Amblyodus castroi in dorsal and lateral views respectively. Arrows indicate apical lateral carina, 6 (incomplete) and 12 (complete).
Figure 7.Pronotum of males with body length 20 mm, dorsal, higher areas light, inner teeth of transversal pronotal carina indicated by white arrow: A Oryctophileurus armicollis Prell B Oryctophileurus guerrai; ocellate punctures at posteriolateral pronotal surface, character state does not differ between sexes C Oryctophileurus armicollis D Oryctophileurus guerrai.
Figure 6.Dorsal and lateral habitus of Oryctophileurusarmicollis Prell, 1911, A and B holotype male, body length 18.5 mm C and D female, body length 18 mm, scale bar 5 mm.