Description: Deutsch: Hummelschwärmer (Hemaris fuciformis), Naturschutzgebiet Schopfeln-Rehletal (Kennung 3.281), Immendingen-Hattingen, Landkreis Tuttlingen, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland English: Broad-bordered bee hawk-moth (Hemaris fuciformis), nature reserve Schopfeln-Rehletal, Immendingen-Hattingen, Landkreis Tuttlingen, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland. Date: 12 May 2019. Source: Own work. Author: DKrieger. Camera location47° 53′ 54.59″ N, 8° 47′ 16.47″ EView all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap 47.898496; 8.787907. : This is a picture of the protected area listed at WDPA under the ID 555546331.
Description: Hemaris fuciformis Deutsch: Ei des Hummelschwärmers (Hemaris fuciformis) an Roter Heckenkirsche (Lonicera xylosteum). English: Egg of the Broad-bordered Bee Hawk-moth (Hemaris fuciformis) on Fly honeysuckle (Lonicera xylosteum). Date: 15 May 2011. Source: Own work. Author: Harald Süpfle.
Description: English: Buckler W The larvæ of the British butterflies and moths Plate XXVI Text Figs. 3, 3a Sesia fuciformis= Hemaris fuciformis (Linnaeus, 1758)[larvae after last moult 3b larva just before pupation 3c pupa. Date: 1887. Source: Author: William Buckler.
Description: Deutsch: Kopf einer Hummelschwärmerraupe (Hemaris fuciformis), Münchner Umland English: Head of a Broad-bordered Bee Hawk-moth's caterpillar (Hemaris fuciformis), urban hinterland of Munich, Germany. Date: 7 July 2010. Source: Own work. Author: Harald Süpfle.
Description: Deutsch: Raupe des Hummelschwärmers Hemaris fuciformis im letzten Stadium (L6), Münchner Umland English: Caterpillar of the Broad-bordered Bee Hawk-moth (Hemaris fuciformis) in last larval state (L6), urban hinterland of Munich, Germany. Date: 7 July 2010. Source: Own work. Author: Harald Süpfle.
No machine-readable author provided. Svdmolen assumed (based on copyright claims).
Wikimedia Commons
Description: Hemaris fuciformis 29 July 2006 IJmuiden, the Netherlands. Date: 29 July 2006 (according to Exif data). Source: No machine-readable source provided. Own work assumed (based on copyright claims). Author: No machine-readable author provided. Svdmolen assumed (based on copyright claims).