Barthlemy, Cayenne, Guyane Franaise
Cayenne, French Guiana
Barthelemy, Cayenne, French Guiana
Barthelemy, Cayenne, French Guiana
Imperial Moth eggs about to hatch. At this point you can see that each egg contains a tiny caterpillar neatly rolled up (the big black spot is the head).These were photographed against a scale of millimetres; the two short parallel lines at the right bottom angle of the photo are 1 mm apart. So the eggies probably measure 3 2.5 mm (0.11 0.09 in), more or less.Freshly laid eggs are greenish, opaque, with a pearly sheen, and are expelled together with a sort of glue that dries up on the spot, attaching them to any surface they happen to touch. Huevos de polilln Eacles imperialis a punto de eclosionar. En este punto del desarrollo se puede ver que cada huevo contiene una oruguita prolijamente enrollada sobre s misma (la mancha negra grande es la cabeza).La foto se sac sobre una regla milimetrada; las dos rayitas negras paralelas del ngulo inferior derecho de la foto marcan 1 mm, as que los huevitos deberan medir unos 3 2,5 mm, ms o menos.Los huevos recin puestos son opacos, verdosos, con un brillo perlado, y la mariposa los pone junto con una especie de pegamento que se seca al segundo, pegando los huevitos a cualquier superficie que toquen.Eacles imperialis opaca, ovaEnglish: Imperial Moth
La Plata, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina
Barthlemy, Cayenne, Guyane Franaise
Arizona, United States
Monteverde, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
I have moth music mp3. Come to me tattoo jazz wing beat on this aluminum edging alerted me in the middle of the night (2000-07-25)
Maryland, United States
Village of Cross Plains, Wisconsin, United States
when I last saw her she was fluttering against an ~outside wood wall
Kissimmee, Florida, United States
I think this moth enjoyed making a racket by clinging to the edge of this loose aluminum yard edging and flapping her wings.
Fort Bragg, North Carolina
she sometimes flew off and fluttered against a wall or sat still, easy to pick up
this moth is holding on to the window outside
She was crawling around on steel cable