Cymopterus longipes S. WatsMarch 18, 2011, Old Mill Golf Course, Salt Lake County, Utah at approx. 4,860 ft. in elevation.This is usually the earliest blooming native plant at this elevation (seen also in bloom on March 19, 2011 at 4,310 ft. in Murray, Utah). A member of the Carrot family, plants at this stage are small and low to the ground when the start to flower but the pseudoscape will significantly elongate at time goes on to as much as 20 cm, i.e. the foilage in essence raises up off the ground. A western U.S. species occurring in Utah, Idaho, Colorado and Wyoming.
Usually one of the earliest native plant species to bloom, and the first of the 2013 season for me to observe in full bloom, Cymopterus longipes S. Wats. Very tiny at this stage. It would probably be a bit larger at this point and would have bloomed at least somewhat earlier than now, but temperatures have been cold, and there have only been a few recent days where the highs were above 50 degrees.March 9, 2013, Murray City, Salt Lake County, Utah, elev. 4,317 ft. growing with Gutierrezia sarothrae (and while not evident right now, Phlox longifolia will appear soon and grows here directly with it) in an Atriplex-Greasewood-Desert Saltgrass remnant community.
Nevada, United States
Circle L Ranch Airport, Nevada, United States
California, United States
California, United States
California, United States
Circle L Ranch Airport, Nevada, United States
Circle L Ranch Airport, Nevada, United States
Nevada, United States
Nevada, United States
Nevada, United States