Opuntia fulgida
Hanging Chain Cholla, Jumping Cholla, Cholla Brincadora, Vilas de Coyote
Elevation: 4000ft above sea level
Location: Chain Fruit Cholla species can be found in the deserts of southwestern United States and Northwestern Mexico.
Descriptions: The Chain Fruit Cholla is characterized as segmented or “chain-like” stems/fruit that are irregular and drooping. Each Segment is covered with sharp spines. Chain Fruit Cholla produce pink colored flowers give rise to green fleshy fruit. Fruits of the Chain Fruit Cholla fall to the ground as they age, allowing new “chains” to grow by taking root to produce further Chain Fruit Cholla. Some detached segments attach to wildlife coats before taking root and then are dispersed throughout the desert. The Chain Fruit Cholla is the largest in the family with a maximum growth of 15 feet in height and 6 feet across.
****Alien and Invasive Species Regulations (AIS), National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (Act No 10 of 2004), chain-fruit cholla has been declared a category 1b, which necessitates its control, or removal and destruction if possible. No trade or planting is allowed. -http://www.arc.agric.za/arc-ppri/Pages/Chain-fruit-cholla.aspx