on low hills of eroded gypseous, shaley Cretaceous limestone with Stenandrium barbatum, Amsonia longiflora, Thymophylla acerosa, Ariocarpus fissuratus, Xyloriza wrightii, Nama havardii, Polygala macrdenia, Nerisyrenia camporum, Anulocaulis leiosolenus.
on low hills of eroded gypseous, shaley Cretaceous limestone with Stenandrium barbatum, Amsonia longiflora, Thymophylla acerosa, Ariocarpus fissuratus, Xyloriza wrightii, Nama havardii, Polygala macrdenia, Nerisyrenia camporum, Anulocaulis leiosolenus.
on silt/sands of arroyo bottom with other winter annuals including Nerisyrenia camporum
on gypseous clays topped by ashy volcanic silty soil and lag gravels
on silt/sands of arroyo bottom with other winter annuals including Nerisyrenia camporum
on silt/sands of arroyo bottom with other winter annuals including Nerisyrenia camporum
on silt/sands of arroyo bottom with other winter annuals including Nerisyrenia camporum
silty gypseous clay and gravels on eastside breaks of the Pecos River. Note stiff appressed hairs on foliage not spreading as in N. hispidum
on gypseous clays topped by silts and gravels with Pertyle vaseyi, Psathyrotopsis scaposa, Oligomeris linifolia