View cauline leaves. Plants on vertical south face of roadcut in blocky Cretaceous limestone with Pertyle angustifolia, Croton monanthogynus, Polygala lindheimeri
the fruits here are a bit immature but it is important to notice the difference between the ray fruit (on each edge, right and left, glabrous with no pappus) and the disc fruits in between (strigose and with pappus)
the fruits here are more mature, but it is important to notice the difference between the ray fruit (on the lower edges , glabrous with no pappus) and the disc fruits above and between (strigose and with pappus)
A beautiful fasciation. We say it is our 'Lilo and Stitch' plant because it looks so 'alien'. Our hikers on this day were on Holiday from Switzerland - They took pictures too. 'Stunning!'