Description: English: Introduced warm-season shrub to 1.5 m tall. Leaves are ovate-cordate to oblong-hastate, 1–6 cm long, scabrous above, hoary-tomentose below and with crenate margins. Flowers are solitary on peduncles usually shorter than the leaves; sometimes cleistogamous. Epicalyx nearly as long as calyx. Calyx about 6 mm long and tomentose. Petals to 12 mm long and reddish purple with a dark base. Stamens 12. Fruit is a schizocarp, about 8 mm wide and usually pubescent. Cleistogamous flowers are smaller with petals shorter than the calyx and with only 5 stamens. Native of S America, it is common in disturbed areas such as roadsides and fencelines. Date: 6 February 2015, 08:36:02. Source: Author: Macleay Grass Man. Camera location
32° 29′ 22.62″ S, 151° 42′ 21.71″ E View all coordinates using:
OpenStreetMap-32.489616; 151.706031.