Description: English: Female of the species Agama lionotus in Elmina (Ghana), 2006 other English names: East African Rainbow Lizard, Red-Headed Rock Agama Deutsch: Weibchen der Art Agama lionotus in Elmina (Ghana), 2006 andere deutsche Namen: Ostafrikanische Siedleragame, Blaue Siedleragame. Date: 18 June 2006. Source: Author: Stig Nygaard.
Description: English: Kenyan Rock Agama (Agama lionotus elgonis), Serengeti, Tanzania. Date: 2 July 2009. Source: Own work. Author: D. Gordon E. Robertson.
Description: English: Kenyan Rock Agama (Agama lionotus elgonis), Serengeti National Park, Tanzania. Date: 2 July 2009. Source: Own work. Author: D. Gordon E. Robertson.
Description: English: Kenyan Rock Agama (Agama lionotus elgonis), male, Serengeti, Tanzania. Date: 2 July 2009. Source: Own work. Author: D. Gordon E. Robertson.