Endemic to western Kauai and part of the Hawaiian Lobeliads, 125 species which have evolved from a single colonization event 13 million years ago in the Hawaiian Islands. Elevation around 1229m/4030ft on the Pihea trail, between Pihea and the Alakai Swamp trail junction. Note densely pubescent corrolla.
Endemic to western Kauai and part of the Hawaiian Lobeliads, 125 species which have evolved from a single colonization event 13 million years ago in the Hawaiian Islands. Elevation around 1229m/4030ft on the Pihea trail, between Pihea and the Alakai Swamp trail junction.
Endemic to western Kauai and part of the Hawaiian Lobeliads, a group of 6 genera and 125 species of endemic plants which evolved from a single colonization 13+ million years ago. Elevation around 3900ft/1189m.
Endemic to western Kauai and part of the Hawaiian Lobeliads, a group of 6 genera and 125 species of endemic plants which evolved from a single colonization 13+ million years ago. Elevation around 3900ft/1189m.
Endemic to western Kauai and part of the Hawaiian Lobeliads, a group of 6 genera and 125 species of endemic plants which evolved from a single colonization 13+ million years ago. Elevation around 3900ft/1189m.
Endemic to western Kauai and part of the Hawaiian Lobeliads, a group of 6 genera and 125 species of endemic plants which evolved from a single colonization 13+ million years ago. Elevation around 4030ft/1229m.
Endemic to western Kauai and part of the Hawaiian Lobeliads, a group of 6 genera and 125 species of endemic plants which evolved from a single colonization 13+ million years ago. Elevation around 4030ft/1229m.
Endemic to western Kauai. Note acuminate leaf tip with minutely callose-denticulate/serrulate margins. Elevation around 4030ft/1229m.
Endemic to western Kauai. Note inflorescences 5-12 flowered. Elevation around 4030ft/1229m.
Endemic to western Kauai. Note inflorescences 5-12 flowered and pubescent. Elevation around 4030ft/1229m.
Endemic to western Kauai. Note calyx lobes narrowly triangular and 1-3mm long with corolla white with purple longitudinal stripes. Elevation around 4030ft/1229m.
Endemic to western Kauai. Note calyx lobes narrowly triangular and 1-3mm long with corolla white with purple longitudinal stripes and densely pubescent. Elevation around 4030ft/1229m.