Longitude (deg): -2.4. Latitude (deg): 50.5. Longitude (deg/min): 2° 30' W. Latitude (deg/min): 50° 30' N. Vice county name: Dorset. Vice county no.: 9. Country: England. Stage: Female imago. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: "Female, visiting Hogweed". Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: highly enlarged. Background: silver background. Where photo was taken: On a microscope slide. Orientation: "Left, or facing to left". Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS600D dSLR and MP-E 65mm x1 to x5 macro lens.
Gladsaxe Municipality, Hovedstaden, Denmark
Gladsaxe Municipality, Hovedstaden, Denmark
Prestonhall, Scotland, United Kingdom
Stony Cross, England, United Kingdom
Stony Cross, England, United Kingdom
Stony Cross, England, United Kingdom
Crossgatehall, Scotland, United Kingdom