Gulf Scup or Goat's Head Porgy. Stenotomus caprinus, Goode & Bean
Stenotomus aculeatus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Southern scup; Porgy. Porgy.
Stenotomus Chrysops (Linnaeus). Scup
Stenotomus chrysops.
Stenotomus chrysops.
Scup (Stenotomus chrysops) Three views of the same fish taken while alive in the aquarium of the United States Fish Commission at Woods Hole, Mass..
Scup; Porgy (Stenotomus chrysops).
Scuppaug, Scup, or Northern Porgy. Stenotomus chrysops (Mitch.), Bean
Scup; Pin-Fish. Stenotomus chrysops.
Scup, Stenotomus chrysops (Linnaeus). Woods Hole, Mass..
Stentomus Aculeatus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Southern Porgy
Stenotomus Caprinus Bean. Goat-Head Scup
Southern Scup. Stenotomus Gardeni, Bean (S.aculateus, ?)