Stomotoca apicata (McCr.). A.Male. B.Female.
Turris vesicaria (After A.Agassiz).
Cordylophora lacustris Allman.
Stephen D. Cairns, Alberto Lindner
Figure 5.Color figures of skeleton of various Alaskan stylasterids: A Errinopora fisheri B, G–I Errinopora nanneca C, F Errinopora undulata, D Errinopora disticha E Errinopora zarhyncha. A holotype, USNM 1123526 B holotype, USNM 42875 C holotype, USNM 112327 D holotype, USNM 1123524 E holotype, USNM 42874 F lateral view of a large paratype, USNM 1123528 G lamellate colony with digitate distal branches, USNM 1123462 H lamellate colony, USNM 44070 I intermediate form between lamellate and digitate, USNM 1123510.
Bougainvillia caroliensis (McCr.) (Juv.).
Eudendrium romasum Linn. A. Hydranth bearing female gonophores.
Porpita pacifica.
Hybocodon prolifer.
Clava leptostyla.
Stomotoca apicata, male (After Mayer).
Podocoryne carnea.
Tubularia larynx Ell. & Sol..
Stephen D. Cairns, Alberto Lindner
Figure 7.Female paratype of Errinopora undulata, USNM 1123528: A–B, D plate surface showing female ampullae, dactylopore spines, and gastropores C cross section of plate showing several gastrostyles E–F coenosteal texture G–H lateral view of a gastrostyle and detail of spination I–J lateral and apical view of a robust dactylostyle.
Bougainvillia carolinensis (McCr..
Porpita pacifica (Lesson).
Turritopsis nutricula McCr. A.Lateral view of young. B.Lateral view of older specimen. C.Ventral view of young.
Pennaria tiarella McCr. A.Medusa from which the ova has been expelled. B.Medusa expelling an ovum.
Millepora alcicornis, Linn..
Stephen D. Cairns, Alberto Lindner
Figure 5.Color figures of skeleton of various Alaskan stylasterids: A Errinopora fisheri B, G–I Errinopora nanneca C, F Errinopora undulata, D Errinopora disticha E Errinopora zarhyncha. A holotype, USNM 1123526 B holotype, USNM 42875 C holotype, USNM 112327 D holotype, USNM 1123524 E holotype, USNM 42874 F lateral view of a large paratype, USNM 1123528 G lamellate colony with digitate distal branches, USNM 1123462 H lamellate colony, USNM 44070 I intermediate form between lamellate and digitate, USNM 1123510.
Bougainvillia carolinensis.
Turritopsis nutricula.
Pennaria tiarella. 1-Male, 2-Female, 3-Hydroid; 4-Portion of colony; 5-Single hydranth with medusoid.
Millepora alciornis (Linn.).
Stephen D. Cairns, Alberto Lindner
Figure 8.Holotype of Errinopora disticha, USNM 1123524: A–B distichoporine pore rows and female ampullae (A a stereo view) C gastropore and adjacent dactylopore spine with dactylostyle D–E coenosteal texture F–G dactylostyle H–I lateral view of gastrostyle J detail of gastrostyle spines.