Microsope specimen image of IZ COE 34123; Tentillum; image 40.3; Scale Bar = 0.5 mm
Microsope specimen image of IZ COE 58423; Nectophore; image 20; Scale Bar = 2 mm
Microsope specimen image of IZ COE 34123; Colony; image 42; Scale Bar = 3 mm
Microsope specimen image of IZ COE 32981; Nectophore; image 2; Scale Bar = 1 mm
Microsope specimen image of IZ COE 41517; Pneumatophore; image 32.2; Scale Bar = 0.5 mm
Microsope specimen image of IZ COE 34099; Athorybia; image 29; Scale Bar = 0.5 mm
Microsope specimen image of IZ COE 58423; Tentillum; image 15; Scale Bar = 0.5 mm
Microsope specimen image of IZ COE 28412; Nectophore; image 6; Scale Bar = 1 mm
Microsope specimen image of IZ COE 58423; Bract; image 22; Scale Bar = 5 mm
Microsope specimen image of IZ COE 34123; Colony; image 41; Scale Bar = 1 mm
Microsope specimen image of IZ COE 28412; Nectophore; image 9; Scale Bar = 0.5 mm
Microsope specimen image of USNM 1207949; Gonophore; image 25; Scale Bar = 0.5 mm
Microsope specimen image of USNM 1207947; Bract; image 8; Scale Bar = 1 mm
Microsope specimen image of USNM 1207947; Bract; image 9; Scale Bar = 1 mm
Microsope specimen image of USNM 1207949; Gonophore; image 23; Scale Bar = 0.5 mm
Microsope specimen image of USNM 1207949; Gonophore; image 20; Scale Bar = 0.5 mm
Microsope specimen image of USNM 1207947; Nectophore; image 3; Scale Bar = 2 mm
Microsope specimen image of USNM 1207947; Palpon; image 29; Scale Bar = 1 mm
Microsope specimen image of USNM 1207948; Nectophore; image 11; Scale Bar = 2 mm
Microsope specimen image of USNM 1207948; Bract; image 16; Scale Bar = 1 mm
Microsope specimen image of USNM 1207947; Gonophore; image 39; Scale Bar = 0.5 mm
Microsope specimen image of USNM 1207949; Gonophore; image 21; Scale Bar = 0.5 mm
Microsope specimen image of USNM 1207947; Palpon; image 35; Scale Bar = 1 mm
Microsope specimen image of USNM 1207948; Bract; image 15; Scale Bar = 1 mm