L: 5-8mmbiology: mature larvae have been recorded feeding on amber snails (
Succinea putris), a species of air-breathing land snail, the imagines live on nectar, honeydew and plant sap / ausgewachsene Larven ernhren sich von Bernsteinschnecken, die Imagines con Nektar, Honigtau und Pflanzensften.Phylum: Arthropoda LATREILLE, 1829 (arthropods, Gliederfer)Subphylum: Hexapoda BLAINVILLE, 1816 (Sechsfer)Class: Insecta LINNAEUS, 1758 (insects, Insekten)Subclass: Pterygota LANG, 1888 (Fluginsekten)Infraclass: Neoptera Martynov, 1923Order: Diptera Linnaeus, 1758 (true flies, mosquitoes & gnats, Zweiflgler)Suborder: Brachycera Schiner, 1862 (true flies, Echte Fliegen)Infraorder: Muscomorpha [Syn.: Cyclorrhapha BRAUER, 1863]Superfamily: Sciomyzoidea FLLEN, 1820Family: Sciomyzidae FLLEN, 1820 (marsh flies, Netzfliegen oder Hornfliegen)Subfamily: Sciomyzinae FLLEN, 1820Tribus: Tetanocerini NEWMAN, 1834Genus:
Limnia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
Limnia unguicornis Scopoli, 1763[det. "Gerdt Ginko", 2013, based on photos]some info:http://www.naturspaziergang.de/Zweifluegler/Limnia_unguicornis.htm
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limnia_unguicornisCentral Germany, N-Hesse, Bad Hersfeld: Ottrau, ca. 400m asl., 03.06.2013IMG_0497