Description: English: Yellow Swarming Fly (Thaumatomyia notata). Male fanning its wings to disperse pheromones from abdominal sacs. Filmed at the Wollenberg, Hesse, Germany. Deutsch: Männliche Thaumatomyia notata verteilt mittels Flügelschlagen die in den abdominalen Pheromonsäcken gebildeten Pheromone; gefilmt am Wollenberg, Mittelhessen. ID:
Sara21392. Date: 1 May 2012. Source: Own work. Author:
Pristurus. : This file was selected as the
media of the day for 09 May 2012. It was captioned as follows: English: Male
Thaumatomyia notata fanning its wings to disperse
pheromones from abdominal sacs. Other languages English: Male
Thaumatomyia notata fanning its wings to disperse
pheromones from abdominal sacs.Македонски: Житна мува од видот Thaumatomyia notata како мавта со крилјата, распрскувајќи
феромони од стомачните ќесички.Русский: Самец Thaumatomyia notata (
Злаковые мушки) распускает крылья, чтобы разогнать
феромоны от брюшной полости.中文(简体): 雄性
Thaumatomyia notata抖翅从腹囊散发