
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Sepia braggi Verco, 1907

Arctosepia limata Iredale, 1926a:193. [Holotype, AM C133316, 36.2 mm SL (37.5 mm including spine), Manly Beach, NSW (33°48′S, 151°17′E).]

Arctosepia versuta Iredale, 1926a:194. [Holotype, AM C133313, 31.4 mm SL (32.3 mm including spine), Manly Beach, NSW (33°48′S, 151°17′E).]

Arctosepia rhoda Iredale, 1954:75. [Holotype, AM C133319, 47.7 mm SL (51.3 mm including spine), Point Cloates, WA (22°43′S, 113°40′E).]

Arctosepia treba Iredale, 1954:75. [Syntypes (2), AM C133324, missing anterior ends, not measured, Stanley, Tas (40°46′S, 145°18′E).]

Arctosepia braggi xera Iredale, 1954:74. [Holotype, AM C133310, 77 mm SL, Stanley, Tas (40°46′S, 145°18′E).]

DIAGNOSIS.—Mantle elongate; anterior dorsal margin acuminate, reaching midlevel of eye; ventral margin deeply emarginate around funnel. Swimming membrane of tentacular club well developed, extended beyond base of club. Protective membranes separated at base of club. Club suckers in 5 longitudinal series, 5 or 6 suckers of middle series twice as wide as others (Figure 3a). Arm suckers quadriserial on arms IV of both sexes, suckers on other arms quadriserial basally, biserial on effilated tips, especially on arms II of female and arms III of male where suckers are minute and well spaced. Mature male without trace of hectocotylization on arms.

Sepion (Figures 3, 4) elongate, broadest in anterior , acutely rounded at anterior end and acuminate posteriorly. Dorsal surface with distinct, low, narrow median ribs, calcareous covering weakly granulose, rose posteriorly, white anteriorly. Ventral surface with distinct, narrow median groove along entire length, widening in anterior part of last loculus; median groove with slightly convex rib on each side, in anterior striated zone rib abruptly sloping flat or concave laterally, separated from outer cone by smoother, narrow, marginal zone, separated from striated zone by narrow limit of inner cone; limbs of inner cone descended into middle of smooth marginal zone. Striae convex on each side of median groove and incurved V-shaped in groove. Limbs of inner cone narrow, with rounded ridges, posteriorly forming slightly sharper ledge, and surrounding shallow posterior excavations. Outer cone narrow, forming 2 short posterior wings surrounding posterior part of inner cone and constituting cup-like formation. Spine slightly constricted at base, without keels, turned upward.

ORIGINAL REFERENCE.—Verco, 1907:213, pl. 27: fig. 6.

TYPE LOCALITY.—Glenelg, SA (34°58′S, 138°32′E).

TYPE.—Holotype: SAM D14130, by monotypy, sepion only, 59 mm SL (62.0 mm including spine) (Figure 3b,c).

GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION.—Southern Australia from southern Qld (26°30′S, 153°44′E) to Point Cloates, WA (22°43′S, 113°40′E), at depths of 30–146 m.
bibliographic citation
Voss, N. A. and Sweeney, M. J. 1998. "Systematics and Biogeography of cephalopods. Volume I." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-276. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.586