Vombsjön, Skåne, Sverige
Salten Sø
Typical Unio of the Mississippi Valley type, showing exterior of right valve... This is a full-grown shell, but not an old one, as the dark epidermis is but little eroded at the beaks.
Anatomy of female Lampsilis luteolus. M, mantle folded back showing elow; p, labial pulp; f, foot; i, inner gill; Mm, outer gill with the binder part transformed into a marsupium; b, branchial opening; Mo, position of mouth
Lape Pepin mucket, Lampsilis luteola (Lamarck), male, upper left; Lake Pepin mucket, Lampsilis luteola (Lamarck), female, upper right; Butterfly, Plagiola securis (Lea), lower left); Pocketbook, Lampsilis ventricosa (Barnes), lower right. 1921. Lampsilis;
Lape Pepin mucket, Lampsilis luteola (Lamarck), male, upper left; Lake Pepin mucket, Lampsilis luteola (Lamarck), female, upper right; Butterfly, Plagiola securis (Lea), lower left); Pocketbook, Lampsilis ventricosa (Barnes), lower right.
Floater, Anodonta grandis (Say), from James River, S.Dak, upper and middle; River pearl mussel, Margaritana margaritifera (Linnaeus), from Freeport, Md, lower.
Squaw-foot edentulus (Say), upper pair; Paper-shwll, Anodonta imbecillis (Say), lower pair.
Bullhead, Pleurobema aesopus (Green) from Wabash River, top; Dromedary mussel, Dromus dromas (Lea), from Cumberland River, middle pair; Fan-shell, Cyprogenia irrorala (Lea), from Cumberland River, lower pair.