Image of Chlanidota paucispiralis Powell 1951
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Chlanidota paucispiralis Powell 1951


provided by NMNH Antarctic Invertebrates

“Chlanidota paucispiralis n.sp., Pl. VIII, figs. 36, 37

Shell small, thin and fragile, narrowly ovate, white, covered with a thin buff epidermis. Spire tall for the genus, 0.6 height of aperture. Whorls sculptured with a few wide-spaced prominent but narrow, sharply raised, spiral ridges, four on penultimate and eleven on the body-whorl. Surface crossed by dense, exceedingly fine axial growth lines. Anterior canal deeply notched ; fasciole not margined above by a ridge.

Height 22.1 mm. ; diameter 13.5 min. (holotype).

DENTITION. Fig. L 77, p. 194. The radula is almost identical with that of elongate.

OPERCULUM. Typical, horny, ovate, with apical nucleus; very small. Aperture of shell 3.6 times height of operculum.

TYPE LOCALITY. St. 159. South Georgia, 53° 52' 30" S, 36° 08' 00" W, 160 m.

St. 157. Off South Georgia, 53° 51' 00" S, 36° 11' 15" W, 20 Jan. 1927, 970 m.

St. 158. Off South Georgia, 53° 48' 30" S, 35° 57' 00" W, 21 Jan. 1927, 401-411 m.”

(Powell, 1951: 141-142)