“Belalora thielei n.sp., Pl. VI, fig. 20.
Shell small, biconic, with turreted spire and sculptured with strong axials and dense spiral lirations. Whorls six, including a relatively large, bulbous to dome-shaped sculptured protoconch of three whorls, as described above. Spire equal to height of aperture plus canal. Spire-whorls with a prominent slightly concave shoulder; outline steep from below the shoulder and sculptured with prominent, bluntly rounded, slightly protractively oblique axials, fourteen on the penultimate and fifteen on the body-whorl. All post-nuclear whorls crossed by dense spiral lirations, six to eight weak spirals on the shoulder and twelve strong spirals from the shoulder to the lower suture of the spire-whorls. Body-whorl, include base, with about fifty-eight spirals, much finer on the shoulder, the fasciole, and neck. Aperture narrowly ovate-pyriform with a short, broad anterior canal and a deeply concave posterior sinus, occupying the shoulder. Inner lip strengthened by a massive, smooth, rounded parietal-columellar callus, which is separated from the base by a narrow excavated area. There is a conspicuous, bulging fasciole.
Height 7.1 mm.; diameter 3.7 mm. (holotype, St. WS 801).
TYPE LOCALITY. St. WS 801. North-west of Falkland Is. to Patagonia, 48° 26' 15" S, 61° 28' W, 22 Dec. 1931, 165-165 m.
St. WS 216. North of Falkland Is., 47° 37' S, 60° 50' W, 1 June 1928, 219-133 m.
St. WS. North-west of Falkland Is. to Patagonia, 51° 06' S, 64° 10' 30" W. to 47° 47' 43" S, 64° 07' 30" W, 19 Dec. 1931, 117 m.
St. WS 808. From 49° 41' S, 65° 40' W to 49° 39.5 S, 65° 44 W, 8 Jan. 1932, 110-106 m.
PROTOCONCH. Fig. N, 115, p. 196.”
(Powell, 1951: 172)