Category hierarchy: Interactions Among Species | PredationDescription: Great horned owl perched. Species identification tentative.Capture device: Camera: Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTICapture details: Lens: Canon zoom lense EF 75-300 mmOriginal date: 20080219Locality: Latitude: 2.878120000000000e+001; Longitude: -8.261650000000000e+001
Two Great Horned Owls (Bubo virginianus) talk to each other on a mid-march night at Peck's Lake [Arizona]. They're sitting about 150 meters apart, and a third was calling about a half mile away. These owls nest in the steep rocky cliffs around the lake and hunt in the flatlands surrounding the lake and marsh. I have "compressed" this file, the actual time between calls is about 15 seconds, but the time between the query and response is accurate.