Mallard Duck (Anas boschas) Female.
Nome-Kougarok Road
Mallard drake preening. 3 December 2011.
Nationalpark Vadehavet, Mandø, Denmark
A pair of Cinnamon Teal (Anas cyanoptera) (the Latin name refers to the large blue patch on the top front of their wing) dabble in the pond at Tavasci Marsh [Arizona], Spring 1998. This is the female, who, like most ducks, talks the most and the loudest! The sharp-eared listener will also hear Red-winged Blackbirds, a Song Sparrow and a Least Bittern in this sample.
Parque National Cajas
Tøndermarsken, Nationalpark Vadehavet, Danmark
Male dabbling around in Tavasci Marsh [Arizona]. His quacks are rather more quiet and reserved than the female's.
Parque National Cajas
Aqua Silkeborg
This pair of females (the females do all the quacking) was recorded at Peck's Lake [Arizona]. In this sample you'll hear them take off and then quack as they circle the lake.
Isla Floreana - Punta Flores
Ringkøbing Fjord, Danmark
Sydney - Millennium Parklands
Aqua Silkeborg
Tiri Tiri Matangi
Aqua Silkeborg
Kheoladeo National Park
Aqua Silkeborg
Palo Alto Baylands
Aqua Silkeborg