The Canada goose is widely distributed throughout North America; it
occurs in or at least migrates through every state and province.
General distributions of each population during breeding and wintering
seasons are given below [
B. c. moffitti - breeds from central Alberta and British Columbia south to
the central northwestern states; winters in the Southwest
B. c. canadensis - breeds on Baffin Island, Labrador, Newfoundland,
Anticosti Island, and the Magdalen Islands;
winters in New England and the Maritime Provinces
B. c. interior - breeds in Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba; winters in the
Midwest and from Delaware to North Carolina
B. c. occidentalis - breeds on Prince William Sound, Cook Inlet;
winters from Washington to California
B. c. fulva - breeds and winters along coast of Alaska and British
B. c. maxima - breeds and winters on refuges in the farm belt states,
typically Oklahoma and Kansas
B. c. taverneri - breeds throughout interior Alaska; winters from
Washington to California
B. c. hutchinsii - breeds on western Baffin Island and surrounding islands;
winters on the North Platte River in Nebraska and in
Oklahoma and Texas
B. c. parvipes - breeds from central Alaska across northern Canada;
winters in the same areas as B. c. hutchinsii
B. c. leucopareira - breeds on the Aleutian Islands; winters from
Washington to California
B. c. minima - breeds along coastal Alaska; winters from Washington
to California