Northwestern Crows (Corvus caurinus) like everyone to know where they are. If they are in the area you'll know it by this well-known "caw". In this case two Crows perform a duet for your listening pleasure. They are wonderful "talkers" and they have lots of variations on the "caw" theme. Listen for the differences in these two, which appeared to be a couple. Northwestern Crows are considered by many experts to be the same species as the American Crow (C. brachyrhynchos), which is somewhat larger, and has a different voice.
Simien Mountains National Park
Kværkeby Mose, Denmark
In late February I was fortunate to find a gathering of Ravens consisting of over 200 birds! The birds wheel and dive, roll, spin and generally show off, many holding twigs and sticks in their beaks while they fly. Their acrobatics took my breath away, and this recording is some of the wing sounds of one those wild flights.
Crissy Field
Kværkeby Mose, Denmark
Here is a sample of their calling en masse.
San Simeon Elephant Seals
Kværkeby Mose, Denmark
A hapless Raven (Corvus corax) sits in a Piñon Pine in Sedona, Arizona. He has been "pinned" here by a pair of Phainopeplas, which alternately sit a foot above his head, waiting for him to fly so they can harrass him again. The first three plaintive notes are him begging for mercy, and the final set of "caws" is when he gives up, flying away and making as much noise as possible ("Maybe", he thinks," if I'm really noisy, they'll leave me alone"...he was wrong!)
Bale Mountains National Park
Kværkeby Mose, Denmark
Petersburg - Wrangell Narrows
Kværkeby Mose, Denmark
Candlestick Park
Villestrup, Himmerland, Jylland, Danmark
Candlestick Park
Villestrup, Himmerland, Jylland, Danmark
Canyonlands National Park
Villestrup, Himmerland, Jylland, Danmark
El Cotillo Plain
Rømø, SV-Jylland
Roskilde Fjord, Danmark