The holotype is a cushion-like piece measuring 12 x 8 cm. Thickly encrusting, pinkish red with thick, non-detachable cortex. The corrugate surface is interrupted by smooth, circular or oval depressions, 2.5 x 2.5 cm to 4 x 4 cm, dotted by numerous inhalant 0.2–1 mm diameter oscules; some irregular, also smooth and depressed areas are without visible openings. There are two oscule areas on the type specimen, seven on the in-situ-photographed sponge. The elevated ridges and wrinkles, including those surrounding the oscules, are rough to the touch and encrusted by some encrusting coralline algae. The color of the ridges is brown to gray-brown, with some red from fouling corallines, or green from associated cyanobacteria. The smooth, depressed areas, including the oscular areas, are free of epizoans and of clear pinkish-red color in life, proper to the sponge (modified by Cárdenas, from Rützler et al., 2014).
spicules (holotype USNM 1228917, SEM): a, large oxeas and triaenes (both partial); b, sterrasters, including a developmental stage (left); c, sterrasters, enlarged; d, cortical strongyloxeas; e, microspined oxyasters attached to an immature sterraster; f, microspined strongylaster, also attached to spines of an immature sterraster.
a, habit of holotype RMNH Por. 9260, b, cross section of cortex, c, ortho/plagiotriaene, d, anatriaene, e, oxea, f, cortical oxeote, g, sterraster, h-k, oxyasters and strongylaster
A. Holotype (NIWA 64828) preserved in ethanol. B. Ortho- triaene. C. Dichotriaene. D. Protriaene. E. Cribriporal pores. F. Sterraster. G. Immature sterraster. H. Mature sterraster rosettes. I. Small strongylspherasters and larger oxyasters (NIWA 64828). (Fig. 36, Sim-Smith & Kelly, 2015)
MNRJ 7349 (picture: Mariana Carvalho).
Holotype RMNH Por. 10547 (a) and paratypes (a1) with detail of uniporal oscules (a2), from Van Soest, 2017: 96, Fig. 59.
Holotype RMNH Por. 9336 from Van Soest, 2017: 98, Fig. 60a.