From holotype ZMA Por. 20827. Photo R.W.M. van Soestt et al.
SEM images of ZMA Por. 22371b. From Van Soest et al. 2013).
From holotype ZMA Por. 07420. Photo Van Soest et al. 2013.
From holotype ZMA Por. 06986. Photos Van Soest et al. 2013.
Holotype ZMA Por. 07346, spicules, skeleton and habit. From Van Soest et al. 2013.
From van Soest et al. 2013: A. paratype, B. holotype, C. skeleton of holotype.
SEM images of spicules of holotype ZMA Por. 07119. From Van Soest et al. 2013.
Holotype ZMA Por. 07533. Photo from Van Soest et al. 2013.
ZMA Por. 07380. Photo from Van Soest et al. 2013.
A. paratypes encrusting gastropods, B. skeleton of holotype, C. spicules of holotype.
A. habit, B. skeleton, C. spicules. From Van Soest et al. 2013.
A. habit, B. skeleton, C. spicules
A. habit encrusting a broken shell, B. skeleton, C. spicules.
A. habit, B. skeleton, C-F. spicules
A. habit, B. skeleton, C-H. spicules.
A. habit, B, cross section of branch, C-I. SEM images of spicules. From Van Soest et al. 2013.
A. habit, B-C. skeleton, D-G. SEM images of spicules. From Van Soest et al. 2013.
ZMA Por. 09963 from Mauritania. A. habit, B. skeleton, C-H. SEM images of spicules. From Van Soest et al. 2013)
A. habit encrusting barnacles, B. skeleton, C-F. SEM images of spicules. From Van Soest et al. 2013.
A. habit, B-E. SEM images of spicules. From Van Soest et al. 2013.
a, habit on deck, b, cross section of (hymedesmioid) skeleton, c-d, styles, e, subtylostyle, f, cladotylote acanthostyle, g, oxhorn toxa, h, long thin toxa, i, palmate isochela
a, habit on the base of Neopetrosia eurystomata, b, cross section of skeleton, c, style, d-e, subtylostyles, f, acanthostrongyle, g, acanthostyles, h, toxas, i, palmate isochela
SEM photo of a croca, the synapomorphy of the subgenus Jia (photo Klaus Rützler)