
Comprehensive Description

provided by EOL Interns LifeDesk

"Psammocora forms branching, encrusting, leafy or massive colonies that are usually green or brown in color. Polyps are usually extended during the day, forming a dense cover over the corallum. The tentacles are about 1 to 2 mm long and retract when touched. The surface of the coral is smooth or faintly granular to the touch and in most cases is covered with small hillocks (collines). These are a few millimeters high but of variable length, and they may be low and rounded or high and acute. They enclose one or more calices, but these are different to distinguish underwater because of their small size. They are approximately 2 mm in diameter, closely packed and superficial. Septa are numerous and just visible to the naked eye. They converge toward the center of each calice, forming intricate patterns as they do so. In some cases they split into two or three branches (septo-costae) that surround short, wide costae. Both septo-costae and costae may end in a wide, blunt monticule, giving a flower-like appearance. Psammocora can be found on most reefs, especially along the reef front. Colonies are usually isolated, but small, leafy forms may grow in profusion. There are at least seven species, possibly more." (Dr. Elizabeth M. Wood, 1984).

Archer, Cameron
Archer, Cameron
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EOL Interns LifeDesk