Seeds of
Phebalium daviesii (Davies' Waxflower), a threatened Tasmanian endemic.For more information
click here.
Phebalium daviesii (Davies' Waxflower) flowering in the RTBG Nursery. Phebalium daviesii is a highly threatened endemic species for more information see
Phebalium daviesii (Davies' Waxflower) flowering at the RTBG Nursery.For more information
click here.
Seeds of the threatened, Tasmanian endemic
Phebalium daviesii (Davies Waxflower) germinating on agar at the Tasmanian Seed Conservation Centre.A small level of success has been achieved in the first round of testing but research continues in determining the germination requirements.More on the RTBG's involvement with
Phebalium can be
found here.
Longitudinal section of
Phebalium daviesii (Davies waxflower) seed. White object running down the center is a linear embryo. The pair of cotyledons is just visible on the left side of the embryo.
Phebalium daviesii is a highly threatened endemic species. For more information see
Seeds of
Phebalium daviesii (Davies waxflower).
Phebalium daviesii is a highly threatened endemic species. For more information see
Seeds of the threatened, Tasmanian endemic
Phebalium daviesii (Davies Waxflower) germinating on agar at the Tasmanian Seed Conservation Centre.A small level of success has been achieved in the first round of testing but research continues in determining the germination requirements.More on the RTBG's involvement with
Phebalium can be
found here.
Longitudinal section of Phebalium daviesii (Davies waxflower) seed. White line in the center is a linear embryo.
Phebalium daviesii is a highly threatened endemic species. For more information see
Phebalium daviesii (Davies' Waxflower) seed.
Phebalium daviesii (Davies' Waxflower) flowering in the RTBG Nursery. Phebalium daviesii is a highly threatened endemic species for more information see
Phebalium daviesii (Davies' Waxflower) seed.
Phebalium daviesii (Davies' Waxflower) flowering in the RTBG Nursery. Phebalium daviesii is a highly threatened endemic species for more information see
Tanga, Tanzania
Tanga, Tanzania
Tanga, Tanzania
Photo taken in or near Amani Nature ReserveEast Usambara Mountains, TanzaniaBy H.J. NdangalasiPost-Production by J. Quicho
Orion, Queensland, Australia
Orion, Queensland, Australia
Orion, Queensland, Australia
Orion, Queensland, Australia
Barranco de Almunias: Zaragoza.Distribucin: Distribuida por el W y C de la regin mediterrnea, estando en la Pennsula Ibrica localizada fundamentalmente en la mitad S y NE del territorio.Hbitat: Forma parte de matorrales abiertos (romerales, aulagares, tomillares, etc.) y pastizales secos (lastonares, espartales, etc.) en ambientes de encinar sobre suelos muy someros, como pie de cantiles, roquedos, pedregales y crestones, laderas en solana, etc.Secundariamente coloniza cunetas de carretera, campos abandonados, taludes y desmontes.Preferencia edfica: Indiferente.Rango altitudinal:75 - 1200 ( 1350 ) m.Floracin Febrero - Agosto.
Barranco de Almunias: Zaragoza.Distribucin: Distribuida por el W y C de la regin mediterrnea, estando en la Pennsula Ibrica localizada fundamentalmente en la mitad S y NE del territorio.Hbitat: Forma parte de matorrales abiertos (romerales, aulagares, tomillares, etc.) y pastizales secos (lastonares, espartales, etc.) en ambientes de encinar sobre suelos muy someros, como pie de cantiles, roquedos, pedregales y crestones, laderas en solana, etc.Secundariamente coloniza cunetas de carretera, campos abandonados, taludes y desmontes.Preferencia edfica: Indiferente.Rango altitudinal:75 - 1200 ( 1350 ) m.Floracin Febrero - Agosto.Extractado del Atlas de la Flora de Aragn (Herbario de Jaca)