Description: English: Pseudowintera traversii, previously Hymenanthera traversii, Buchanan. A Small glabrous, branched, shrub-tree. Branches rigid, reddish-brown, rough, with viscid secretion; leaves coriaceous, alternate, olive-green, shortly petioled, ¾-1 inch long, obovate, obtuse or acute, covered closely on the back with small silvery-white tubercles, margins reflexed, venation obscure, midrib distinct, stipules very small. Flowers very small, solitary, in the axils of the upper leaves; pedicels short, curved, with small bracts at base; calyx cupular, entire; petals ⅛ inch long, linear obovate or linear oblong, obtuse. This addition to the flora of New Zealand was discovered in the bush, Collingwood district, Nelson, by Mr. H. H. Travers, while on a recent visit there. As an ornamental foliaged plant it may be commended, but from its diminutive inflorescence it can hardly claim a place in the flower border. Plate XXVIII, fig. 1, portion of branch nat. size; 1 a, flower enlarged; 1 b, petal showing glands. Date: 9 December 1882. Source: Buchanan, John (9 December 1882). Hector, James, ed. "Art. XLI.–Additions to the Flora of New Zealand". Transactions of the New Zealand Institute. Wellington, NZ: Lyon & Blair, Printers. 15: 339. OCLC 1778777. Retrieved 7 February 2018. Author: John Buchanan.