Species: Carissa macrocarpa (Eckl.) A. DC. Date: 2013-04-20 Location: 33, Montgomery Road, Highlands, Harare Habitat: Cultivated in garden
Botanisk Have Aarhus
København, Danmark (cultiv.)
Iriomote-jima, Japan
Samos Greece
Hobro, Jylland, Danmark
greenhouse, Sundquist Science Complex, Austin Peay State University, Montgomery County, Tennessee, US
Species: Carissa bispinosa (L.) Desf. ex Brenan subsp. zambesiensis Kupicha Date: 2004-08-21 Location: Globe Rock, Vumba Habitat: In rock crevice in open habitat
Species: Cryptolepis cryptolepioides (Schltr.) Bullock Date: 2004-05-13 Location: Domboshawa Habitat: Climbing on shrubs on granite hill
Species: Asclepias aurea (Schltr.) Schltr. Date: 2004-09-25 Location: Cleveland Dam; below dam wall Habitat: Burnt ground
Species: Carissa macrocarpa (Eckl.) A. DC. Date: 2013-04-20 Location: 33, Montgomery Road, Highlands, Harare Habitat: Cultivated in garden
Iriomote-jima, Japan
Hobro, Jylland, Danmark
Species: Carissa bispinosa (L.) Desf. ex Brenan subsp. zambesiensis Kupicha Date: 2007-11-22 Location: Along trail going down in western part of southern forest, Mt Tsetsera Habitat: Understorey of montane evergreen forest
Species: Cryptolepis cryptolepioides (Schltr.) Bullock Date: 2004-05-13 Location: Domboshawa Habitat: Climbing on shrubs on granite hill
Species: Asclepias aurea (Schltr.) Schltr. Date: 2004-09-25 Location: Cleveland Dam; below dam wall Habitat: Burnt ground
Species: Carissa macrocarpa (Eckl.) A. DC. Date: 2013-04-20 Location: 33, Montgomery Road, Highlands, Harare Habitat: Cultivated in garden
Iriomote-jima, Japan
Terndrup, Jylland
Species: Carissa bispinosa (L.) Desf. ex Brenan subsp. zambesiensis Kupicha Date: 2012-11-19 Location: Makurupine forest, Chimanimani Habitat:
Species: Cryptolepis cryptolepioides (Schltr.) Bullock Date: 2004-05-13 Location: Domboshawa Habitat: Climbing on shrubs on granite hill
Species: Asclepias aurea (Schltr.) Schltr. Date: 2004-09-25 Location: Cleveland Dam; below dam wall Habitat: Burnt ground
Species: Carissa macrocarpa (Eckl.) A. DC. Date: 2013-04-20 Location: 33, Montgomery Road, Highlands, Harare Habitat: Cultivated in garden
Hobro, Jylland, Danmark