overall view with Errazurizia megacarpa. Plants on sandy alluvium of coastal plain dominated by a large Pachycereus pringlei forest (cardinal in background
Plants on extensive, gently sloping coastal sand plain with Nama hispidum, Tiquilia palmeri, Dithyrea californica, Psorothamnus emoryi, Abronia villosa, Cenchrus palmeri, Cylindropuntia bigelovii, Jatropha cuneata
on sandy volcanic soil of a gently sloping coastal plain.
on sandy, igneous, alluvial soils of gently sloping coastal plain.
on sandy, igneous, alluvial soils of gently sloping coastal plain along shallow arroyo drainage at base of low granitic hillside
along shallow arroyo drainage at base of low granitic hillside on coarse, sandy, alluvial soils of gently sloping coastal plain
along shallow arroyo drainage at base of low granitic hillside on coarse, sandy, alluvial soils of gently sloping coastal plain
along shallow arroyo drainage at base of low granitic hillside on coarse, sandy, alluvial soils of gently sloping coastal plain
shrub in the Mesquite-Pachycereus bosque covering most of the grounds of the preserve, Plant in flower.
foliage view of shrub in the Mesquite-Pachycereus bosque covering most of the grounds of the preserve.
View of dried seed capsule. Plant on sands of large semi-stable aeolian dune field between shore line and rocky igneous mountain slopes at north end of Cabo Tepoca. Found with Palafoxia arida, Abronia villosa, Psorothamnus emoryi, Achyronychia cooperi, Tiquilia palmeri, Euphorbia misera, Frankenia palmeri.
on sands of large semi-stable aeolian dune field between shore line and rocky igneous mountain slopes at north end of Cabo Tepoca. Found with Palafoxia arida, Abronia villosa, Psorothamnus emoryi, Achyronychia cooperi, Tiquilia palmeri, Euphorbia misera, Frankenia palmeri.
on sands of large semi-stable aeolian dune field between shore line and rocky igneous mountain slopes at north end of Cabo Tepoca. Found with Palafoxia arida, Abronia villosa, Psorothamnus emoryi, Achyronychia cooperi, Tiquilia palmeri, Euphorbia misera, Frankenia palmeri.
Plant on fine silty volcanic soil of a gently sloping plain.
Plant on fine silty volcanic soil of a gently sloping plain.
Plant on fine silty volcanic soil of a gently sloping plain. Overall habit and habitat view
plants on sandy soil in shallow drainage of wash draining coastal plain between low volcanic hills, with Lotus strigosus, Mentzelia adhaerens, Datura discolor, Matelea pringlei,
plant on sandy reddish volcanic soil of a gently sloping coastal plain 1/2 mile from shoreline. Note dried fruit
plant on sandy reddish volcanic soil of a gently sloping coastal plain 1/2 mile from shoreline.