Los Cotos, Comunidad de Madrid, Espaa
Villoslada de Cameros, La Rioja, Spain
Lumbreras, La Rioja, Spain
Los Cotos, Madrid, Spain
Ribadelago de Franco, Castille and Leon, Spain
Ribadelago de Franco, Castille and Leon, Spain
Apiocystis brauniana (Naegeli,1849). Collected from a freshwater pond near Boise,Idaho. July 2005.DIC
Apiocystis brauniana (Naegeli,1849). Collected from a freshwater pond near Boise,Idaho. July 2005.Phase contrast.
Tetraspora (tet-ra-spore-a), a volvocalean green alga in which the cells are located within a mucus matrix. Like Chlamydomonas, there are two apical flagella inserting into an ovate cell, anterior contractile vacuoles, and there is a single large cup-shaped chloroplast. Phase contrast.
Apiocystis (ape-ee-owe-sist-iss) (identification to be confirmed). Cluster of green algal cells within a mucus goblet with a broad stalk and with fine filaments extending apically. Phase contrast.
Sampling date 09/2010. Scale bar indicates 25 µm.Place name: Bog Hegne Moor near Lake Constance (Germany) Latitude: 47.718106 Longitude: 9.093974Microscope Zeiss Universal, camera Olympus C7070WZ. DOF image.© Wolfgang Bettighofer,images under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA).For permission to use of (high resolution) images please contact
postmaster@protisten.de.For further information about the image, please click here:
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Sampling date 09/2010. Scale bar indicates 25 µm.Place name: Bog Hegne Moor near Lake Constance (Germany) Latitude: 47.718106 Longitude: 9.093974Microscope Zeiss Universal, camera Olympus C7070WZ. DOF image.© Wolfgang Bettighofer,images under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA).For permission to use of (high resolution) images please contact
postmaster@protisten.de.For further information about the image, please click here:
Link to protisten.de page