Plate2.1 Structure of the stylet-region in a large Amphiporus lactofloreus. The specimen had two marginal sacs on one side
Plate1.16 Extremity of the posterior region of the proboscis of Amphiporus lactifloreus distended with fluid
Plate1.10 Glandular papillae in the anterior region of the proboscis seen in the ordinary condition of the organ under pressure
Plate1.9 Transverse section of the same part of the proboscis
Plate1.7 Longitudinal section of the anterior region of the proboscis of Amphiporus lactifloreus
Plate1.6 Transverse section of the stylet-region of the proboscis in which the knife has pressed aside the basal apparatusTransverse section of the same region in another specimen in which the knife has pressed aside the basal apparatus of the central stylet, and in which the ejaculatory duct has been cut obliquely
Plate1.5 Transverse section of the stylet-region of the proboscis of an Amphiporus lactifloreus, in the line of marginal sacs
Plate1.3 Section of an Amphiporus lactifloreus behind the foregoing and towards the posterior end of the aesophageal apparatus
Plate1.2 Section through the body of an Amphiporus lactifloreus some distance behind the ganglia
Plate1.1 Transverse section of the cephalic ganglia of Amphiporus lactifloreus
Plate10.13 Portion of the inner surface of Amphiporus lactifloreus under pressure.
Plate10.12 Portion of the glandular of the posterior chamber of the proboscis of Amphiporus lactifloreus in its normal condition
Plate10.10 Transverse section of the body of a Amphiporus lactifloreus, in which no reproductive elements are visible.
Amphiporus lactifloreus. The invagination of the proboscis and the changes in the region surrounding it are well shown.
Plate1.1 Amphiporus lactifloreus, Johnston pinkish variety.
Plate10.8 Amphiporus lactifloreus Transverse section of the anterior part of the cephalic ganglia.
Plate10.5 Amphiporus lactifloreus View of a portion of skin snipped from living specimen, under moderate pressure.
Plate10.4 Transverse section of the body wall of an Amphiporus lactifloreus.
Plate10.3 Transverse section of the snout of Amphiporus lactifloreus in front of the ganglia, somewhat flattened from pressure.
Plate10.2 Amphiporus lactifloreus. Section of the snout.
Plate10.1 First transverse section of the snout of Amphiporus lactifloreus.
Plate1.2 Amphiporus lactifloreus whitish variety.
Diagram of the cerebral organ of Amphiporus lactifloreus in frontal section; the top of the diagram is anteriorFrom: Fine structure of the cerebral organs in hoplonemerteans (Nemertini), with a discussion of their function Helen M. Amerongen Zoomorphology (1987) 10: 145-159
Outline of the head to show the arrangement of ocelli. Dorsal surface.Coe, W. R. (1901). The Nemerteans of the Expedition. Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences, Vol. 3, 1-110.