Caudal adhesion area
Body wall
Transverse sections of O. correae illustrating (a, b) precerebral muscle bundles connecting the rhynchodaeum to the body wall...Transverse sections of Ototyphlonemertes correae illustrating precerebral muscle bundles connecting the rhynchodaeum to the body wall surrounded by cephalic glands
Transverse sections of O. correae illustrating precerebral muscle bundles connecting the rhynchodaeum to the body wall...Transverse sections of Ototyphlonemertes correae illustrating precerebral muscle bundles connecting the rhynchodaeum to the body wall surrounded by cephalic glands
Schematic drawing of the cephalic region of Ototyphlonemertes correae
Smooth stylet and thick basis
Bulbous character state
Nephridium tubule indicated by arrowhead
Extra ventral brain commissure indicated by arrowheads
Brain with statocysts, arrowheads point at a root of an accessory neuropil
Caudal adhesion area
Body wall and stomach, foregut musculature indicated by arrowheads
Precerebral region
Schematic drawing of the cephalic region of O. duplex showing the distribution of tactile cirri
Isolierte Spermien
Haupt- und Reservestilett
Diverse Statolithenformen
Diverse Statolithenformen
Diverse Statolithenformen
Teilweise evertierter Russel
Diaphragma mit Haupt- und Reservestiletten.