Hurn, England, United Kingdom
Puech du Taur, Midi-Pyrnes, France
Arne, England, United Kingdom
After no success recently on six attempts with this lure , yesterdays brisk east wind brought in two male Emperor moths finally.One flew into the open conservatory to investigate if a female resided there, and the second preferred my jumper for a rest outside in the sunshine. These pheromones are so powerful even handling the pot it is kept in can result in this unusual behaviour. Photos below, I even managed a shot one handed for the one on my sleeve.
Finally managed photos of this wonderful moth on Hartlebury Common, Worcs. SO822707.Three males seen
Carme, Midi-Pyrnes, France
Despite the vicious wind, this male Emperor arrived around 4.30 and flew into our conservatory for a photo call !Cradley Malvern, Worcs. SO729470
Hurn, England, United Kingdom
Finally managed photos of this wonderful moth on Hartlebury Common, Worcs. SO822707.Three males seen
After no success recently on six attempts with this lure , yesterdays brisk east wind brought in two male Emperor moths finally.One flew into the open conservatory to investigate if a female resided there, and the second preferred my jumper for a rest outside in the sunshine. These pheromones are so powerful even handling the pot it is kept in can result in this unusual behaviour. Photos below, I even managed a shot one handed for the one on my sleeve.
Arne, England, United Kingdom
Clouds Hill, England, United Kingdom
Finally managed photos of this wonderful moth on Hartlebury Common, Worcs. SO822707.Three males seen