Country: United Kingdom. Stage: Imago. Identified by: Raymond Watson. Comment: reared. Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: enlarged. Photographic equipment used: "35mm transparencies (on a variety of films, but Agfa CT18 in the 1960's to early 1980's followed by Fujichrome in the late 1980's.) Transparencies scanned with Minolta Dimage Scan Dual II AF-2820U transparency scanner.".
Country: United Kingdom. Stage: Imago. Identified by: Raymond Watson. Comment: reared. Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: enlarged. Photographic equipment used: "35mm transparencies (on a variety of films, but Agfa CT18 in the 1960's to early 1980's followed by Fujichrome in the late 1980's.) Transparencies scanned with Minolta Dimage Scan Dual II AF-2820U transparency scanner.".
Longitude (deg): -1.9. Latitude (deg): 50.8. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 60' W. Latitude (deg/min): 50° 50' N. Vice county name: Dorset. Vice county no.: 9. Country: England. Stage: Imago. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: "at fluorescent lamp sheet, 8:30pm BST". Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: highly enlarged. Background: natural background. Where photo was taken: Arranged. Orientation: "Right, or facing to right". Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS600D dSLR with Tamron SP AF Di 90mm Macro 1:1 lens.
Longitude (deg): -1.9. Latitude (deg): 50.8. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 60' W. Latitude (deg/min): 50° 50' N. Vice county name: Dorset. Vice county no.: 9. Country: England. Stage: Imago. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: "at fluorescent lamp sheet, 8:30pm BST". Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: highly enlarged. Background: natural background. Where photo was taken: Arranged. Orientation: "Right, or facing to right". Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS600D dSLR with Tamron SP AF Di 90mm Macro 1:1 lens.
Longitude (deg): -1.9. Latitude (deg): 50.8. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 60' W. Latitude (deg/min): 50° 50' N. Vice county name: Dorset. Vice county no.: 9. Country: England. Stage: Imago. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: "at fluorescent lamp sheet, 8:30pm BST". Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: highly enlarged. Background: natural background. Where photo was taken: Arranged. Orientation: "Left, or facing to left". Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS600D dSLR with Tamron SP AF Di 90mm Macro 1:1 lens.
Longitude (deg): -1.9. Latitude (deg): 50.8. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 60' W. Latitude (deg/min): 50° 50' N. Vice county name: Dorset. Vice county no.: 9. Country: England. Stage: Imago. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: "at fluorescent lamp sheet, 8:30pm BST". Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: highly enlarged. Background: natural background. Where photo was taken: Arranged. Orientation: "Right, or facing to right". Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS600D dSLR with Tamron SP AF Di 90mm Macro 1:1 lens.
Longitude (deg): -1.9. Latitude (deg): 50.8. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 60' W. Latitude (deg/min): 50° 50' N. Vice county name: Dorset. Vice county no.: 9. Country: England. Stage: Imago. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: "at fluorescent lamp sheet, 8:30pm BST". Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: highly enlarged. Background: natural background. Where photo was taken: Arranged. Orientation: "Right, or facing to right". Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS600D dSLR with Tamron SP AF Di 90mm Macro 1:1 lens.
Longitude (deg): -1.9. Latitude (deg): 50.8. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 60' W. Latitude (deg/min): 50° 50' N. Vice county name: Dorset. Vice county no.: 9. Country: England. Stage: Imago. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: "at fluorescent lamp sheet, 8:30pm BST". Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: highly enlarged. Background: natural background. Where photo was taken: Arranged. Orientation: Facing to bottom. Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS600D dSLR with Tamron SP AF Di 90mm Macro 1:1 lens.
Confirmed today by wonderful dissection by Jon Clifton of ALS. It is the 8th British record and the first record for Suffolk.Over the moon.
Had an amazing trip to a woodland in Suffolk which I got a tip-off for the Plumed Prominent. Having never seen this moth, I knew little about its preference for conditions and flying times, but figured a mild night would be ideal as it is for most moth species.I set up 3 lights out of view from one another at 5pm. The Field Maple was unfortunately quite close to the road, so in order to keep concealed as much as possible, I positioned my 22w Actinic nearest to the Field Maple from which the Plumed Prominent feeds upon.The other two lights were 100 and 150m metres away and deeper within the woodland.The first moths to light were Chestnuts and Dark Chestnuts, the latter was very nice to see and not a common moth in my view. Next came a few Feathered Thorns and December moths, good good I thought, things are flying!A little later my first 2 Plumed Prominents came in tandem to the 160w MBT trap that I was standing near, I was very pleased.It went a little slow for about an hour then at about 7pm all hell broke loose and I was losing count, and not just with the common species! I was upto 26 Plumed Prominents and I could not believe my eyes, at 7.15pm I had had 2 to the 160 MBT, 3 to the 125 MV and 21 to the 22w Actinic! whether they prefer Actinic or it was just because it was nearer the Field Maple, I will never know.Epinotia ramella was a shock to find which is nearly 2 months past its usual flying time.A melanic Feathered Thorn also turned up which was a really special moth.By the end I managed 18 species of 116 moths and pretty much half the catch being Plumed Prominents! with 57 individuals including 2 Females.More good news was the fact that one of the November Moths turned out to be my first Autumnal Moth.Even better news and if what was previously said wasn't enough, we think we might have found a first for Suffolk. It is a tentative id at the moment but it looks very good for Caloptilia hemidactylella, an incredibly rare moth.Catch Report - Suffolk Woodland - 1x 125w MV Robinson Trap, 1x 160w MBT Robinson Trap, 1x 22w ActinicMacro Moths57x Plumed Prominent [NEW!]1x Autumnal Moth [NEW!]1x Satellite1x Red-line Quaker3x Dark Chestnut8x Chestnut11x Feathered Thorn11x December Moth2x Mottled Umber10x November Moth1x Red-green Carpet2x Sprawler1x Winter MothMicro Moths1x Caloptilia sp.1x Cameraria ohridella1x Epinotia ramella1x Ypsolopha ustella3x Acleris notana/ferrugana
Bovingdon and Gadesprings - Field Trip - 19/05/14Roger, Steve and I made a trip to Bovingdon for some late Spring and early Summer species and boy were we in for a treat!We first trapped this site last year on the 11th of June (Trip report HERE)This time though we were simply overwhelmed with species coming in faster than one could jot down.Interestingly we caught most species that we caught last year but as a comparison, we are about 6 weeks ahead of last year (because of the cold Winter of 2012/13)Of course last year was abnormal so we could not go on last years records too much, some of the species that we did get were typically 2 weeks earlier than the books state.The evening was perfect, with a mild muggy feel about it and still 20 degrees at 8pm, the cloud was still with us and the moon stayed at bay (at least until we packed up)The threat of rain seemed to have subsided and the breeze had dropped so we were very lucky indeed.We did not get our target species Light Feathered Rustic, but it needn't have mattered as it was a long shot anyway and there was plenty of interest coming to all four traps as we worked them throughout the night.Highlights included an Alder Moth, Buttoned Snout, Seraphim, Clay Triple-lines, Grass Rivulet and Coronet.The smaller moths were also in abundance, particularly around the twin Actinic trap and several were taken away to examine in natural light.Highlights of the micros included Bucculatrix nigricomella, Mompha lacteella, Mompha raschkiella, Strophedra weirana and Platyptilia gonodactyla, 3 of those new to me.We also managed to get an unusual looking Treble Lines of the form obscura.It really was so nice to see good numbers of the common species as well with 30+ Clouded Silver, 40+ of Red Twin-spot Carpet and Mottled/Common Pug both numbering easily in excess of 25 specimens each.Exhausted as we had finished around 1am at this site, then onto Gadesprings to empty the two traps there, where we found another 3 Alder Moths, Figure of Eighty and Light Brocade amongst a reasonable amount of species.Home at 3am, up at 6am and I felt like I had a hangover this morning, all good fun!Numbers below are as close as I could record! Catch Report - 19/05/14 - Bovingdon Brickworks - Hemel Hempstead - 2x 125w MV Robinson Trap, 1x 160w MBT Robinson Trap & 1x 80w Actinic Suitcase Trap.69 Macros and 34 Macros (103 species)Macro Moths3x Common Swift4x Green Silver-lines1x Brown Rustic3x Common Marbled Carpet5x Green Carpet15+ Silver-ground Carpet8x Oak Hook-tip15+ Brimstone Moth5x Small Phoenix 1x Small Fan-foot15+ Flame Shoulder25+ Common Pug25+ Mottled Pug2x Ingrailed Clay1x White-spotted Pug1x Foxglove Pug2x Pale Prominent6x Treble Lines1x Straw Dot40+ Red Twin-spot Carpet3x Water Carpet1x Broken-barred Carpet1x Brown Silver-line30+ Clouded Silver1x Scorched Carpet1x Tawny Marbled Minor2x Flame Carpet5x Orange Footman6x Pale Tussock2x Grey Pug4x Seraphim1x Pebble Prominent4x Nut-tree Tussock3x Small Square-spot2x Angle Shades4x Waved Umber2x Shuttle-shaped Dart4x Least Black Arches1x Marbled Minor1x Spruce Carpet1x Yellow-barred Brindle2x Common Wave1x Common White Wave1x V-pug3x Scorched Wing1x Marbled White Spot5x Scalloped Hazel10x White Ermine4x Peppered Moth2x Chinese Character1x Flame2x Cinnabar 1x Peach Blossom2x Clouded-bordered Brindle1x Buttoned Snout1x Shoulder-striped Wainscot1x Iron Prominent1x Brindled Pug1x Common Carpet1x Blood-vein1x Bright-line Brown-eye2x Oak-tree Pug2x Coronet1x Alder Moth [NEW!]1x Knot Grass1x Herald1x Grass Rivulet [NEW!]1x Clay Triple-lines1x White-pinion SpottedMicro Moths2x Endrosis sarcitrella2x Epiblema cynosbatella2x Bucculatrix nigricomella [NEW!]1x Aspilapteryx tringipennella4x Crambus lathoniellus1x Aphomia sociella5x Caloptilia syringella1x Caloptilia stigmatella1x Caloptilia semifascia1x Agonopterix arenella1x Plutella porrectella8x Pseudargyrotoza conwagana2x Cochylimorpha straminea2x Epiblema cirsiana1x Blastobasis lacticolella1x Incurvaria masculella2x Ancylis badiana10x Syndemis musculana3x Scoparia ambigualis1x Alucita hexadactyla2x Phyllonorycter harrisella2x Monopis weaverella 1x Mompha lacteella [NEW!]2x Mompha raschkiella1x Nemapogon cloacella1x Strophedra weirana1x Cataclysta lemnata1x Prays ruficeps/fraxinella1x Cochylis atricapitana1x Parornix sp1x Coleophora sp1x Anthophila fabriciana1x Platyptilia gonodactyla [NEW!]1x Ephestia parasitella unicolorella-------------------------------------------------------------------------Catch Report - 19/05/14 - Gadesprings - Hemel Hempstead - 1x 125w MV Robinson Trap and 40w Actinic Trap.40 Macros and 9 Macros (49 species)Macro Moths1x Cinnabar1x Figure of Eighty4x Clouded Silver1x Waved Umber7x Flame Shoulder2x White Ermine5x Peppered Moth3x Alder Moth2x Brimstone2x Small Square-spot1x Pale Tussock1x Orange Footman10x Treble Lines 1x Oak-tree Pug1x Green Carpet1x Chinese Character1x Yellow-barred Brindle 2x Pale Prominent6x Heart & Dart1x Shuttle-shaped Dart2x Common Marbled Carpet 1x Common Pug1x Vine's Rustic1x Rustic Shoulder-knot1x Tawny Marbled Minor1x Marbled Minor1x Spectacle1x Green Silver-lines1x Iron Prominent2x Small Clouded Brindle1x Silver-ground Carpet1x Scalloped Hazel1x Lychnis2x Oak Nycteoline1x Pale Tussock1x Coronet1x Clouded-bordered Brindle1x Light Brocade1x Shuttle-shaped Dart1x Buff-tipMicro Moths1x Dichrorampha sp1x Anthophila fabriciana1x Syndemis musculana1x Tinea trinotella 1x Pseudargyrotoza conwagana2x Elachista maculicerusella1x Plutella xylostella1x Caloptilia robustella1x Endrosis sarcitrella
A tidy catch last night with 4 new for the garden and 1 new for the year, leading me upto 60 Macro's and 23 Micro's for the year, a grand total of 83 species for the year and nearing that 100 mark but I still feel quite a way off and we are nearly at July!I will probably try again tonight, and then I will have a break Tuesday night as I will be out trapping with the generator.Once again the photos will have to wait as it is still incredibly dark out there and has just started to rain.Catch Report - 16/06/13 - Back Garden Stevenage - 1x 125w MV Robinson trapMacro Moths1x Ingrailed Clay [NFG]1x Marbled Minor [NFG]1x Oak-tree Pug [NFG]1x Rustic Shoulder-knot2x Brimstone Moth1x Green Carpet2x Heart & Dart1x Double-striped Pug2x Grey Pug3x Common Pug1x Pale Mottled Willow1x Bright-line Brown-eye3x Common SwiftMicro moths1x Eurrhypara hortulata [NFG]1x Caloptilia alchimiella [NFY]1x Epiblema cynosbatella
On Thursday night I joined Graham Bailey and Don Down and a few others for our contribution to national moth night(s)It had been a whole year nearly since I last came down this way, and it was nice to be back.The trapping conditions looked pretty good, we did not have the cloud cover that I was blessed with on the previous night in Bedfordshire, but the temperatures were very warm and for the rest of the evening it stayed warm.We set up 7 traps in high anticipation of a bucket load of moths. Unfortunately it wasn't to be. The moths (particularly the macro's) were very slow turning up to the lamps.And even after a full two hours, apart from nearly 40 species of micro moths we had only noted around 15 macro species!What on earth was going wrong!Luckily all was not lost as we did manage the target species, all 4 of them... the elusive Olive Crescent which is only know from a few sites nationwide, this being one of them and naturally i'd rather protect the sites identity from possible collector's!It was also nice to see a few Festoons which were really freshly hatched.Along with the Olive Crescent, there were plenty of Lead-coloured Pugs and Opsibotys fuscalis, all three species being new for meCatch Report - 03/07/14 - Essex - 1x 125w MV Robinson Trap, 1x 160w MBT Robinson Trap & 1x 80w Actinic Suitcase Trap.Numbers below are approximate50 Macros and 57 Micros ( 107 species)Macro Moths4x Black Arches3x Brimstone Moth2x Buff Arches2x Buff Ermine10x Buff Footman2x Buff-tip5x Clouded Border10x Clouded Silver2x Common Carpet2x Common Emerald3x Common Footman1x Common Marbled Carpet2x Common White Wave3x Double Square-spot2x Dun-bar3x Engrailed1x Festoon1x Flame2x Flame Carpet2x Flame Shoulder1x Green Pug2x Green Silver-lines2x July Highflyer1x Large Emerald3x Lead-coloured Pug [NEW!]2x Marbled Minor3x Marbled White Spot5x Mottled Beauty3x Olive Crescent [NEW!]5x Orange Moth2x Peach Blossom1x Peacock Moth2x Peppered Moth5x Riband Wave5x Rosy Footman2x Scarce Footman1x Scorched Carpet2x Scorched Wing10x Single-dotted Wave2x Slender Brindle3x Small Fan-foot20+ Small Fan-footed Wave1x Small White Wave1x Small Yellow Wave2x Snout3x Swallow-tailed Moth1x Tawny-barred Angle2x Treble Brown Spot5x Uncertain1x Yellow ShellMicro Moths 1x Blastobasis lacticolella1x Orthopygia glaucinalis2x Endotricha flammealis1x Batia unitella1x Batia lunaris1x Incurvaria oehlmanniella1x Caloptilia robustella2x Parachronistis albiceps5x Celypha lacunana2x Eudonia mercurella2x Tortrix viridana1x Ditula angustiorana2x Epagoge grotiana10x Carcina quercana15+ Aleimma loeflingiana5x Gypsonoma dealbana1x Stigmella aurella10x Zeiraphera isertana1x Coleophora sp5x Chrysoteuchia culmella2x Hedya pruniana1x Ypsolopha ustella1x Ypsolopha dentella1x Aphomia sociella2x Celypha striana2x Archips crataegana5x Conobathra repandana2x Cydia splendana5x Epinotia brunnichana2x Scoparia ambigualis1x Catoptria pinella2x Batrachedra praenangusta 3x Teleoides luculella2x Epiblema uddmanniana2x Cnephasia sp1x Hofmannophila pseudospretella5x Argyresthia brockeella2x Pseudargyrotoza conwagana1x Emmetia marginea2x Acleris kochiella1x Amblyptilia acanthadactyla2x Archips xylosteana2x Udea prunalis2x Pandemis cerasana1x Pandemis heparana2x Eurrhypara hortulata2x Yponomeuta evonymella2x Archips podana1x Crambus pascuella2x Spilonota ocellana1x Epinotia biluna1x Apotomis betuletana3x Apotomis turbidana1x Caloptilia populetorum1x Epinotia nanana4x Opsibotys fuscalis [NEW!]2x Spatalistis bifasciana1x Epinotia demarniana
Cradley, Malvern, Worcs. SO729470
Briantspuddle, England, United Kingdom
Cradley, Malvern, Worcs. SO729470Caloptilia stigmatella 1
Oost-Dunkerke, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium
Hemel Hempstead Field Trip - 31/07/13David, Roger and myself decided to blitz Gadesprings with as many traps as we could use, so plumping for 3 off the mainsand 2 further along the canal running from the generator. The hope was to get some of the more uncommon Wainscots, but we did not manage hardly any, with just a few Smoky, one Common and one Southern.Numbers below are approximate31/07/13 - Gadesprings - Hemel Hempstead - 2x 125w MV Robinson Trap, 1x 160w MBT Trap, 1x 22w Actinic + 26w Blacklight Trap & 1x 80w Actinic Trap run from 9.00pm until 2.00am(Traps highlighted in red run all night)175 Species in total97 Macro Moths & 78 Micro MothsMacro MothsBarred Red 1Beautiful Hook-tip 3Black Arches 2Bordered Sallow 1Bright-line Brown-eye 4Brimstone Moth 2Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing 8Buff Arches 1Buff Ermine 1Buff Footman 10Clay 2Cloaked Minor 2Clouded Border 1Common Carpet 5Common Emerald 1Common Footman 10Common Rustic 10Common Wave 1Common Wainscot 1Copper Underwing 1Coronet 10Dark Arches 20Dark Umber 1Dingy Footman 2Dingy Shears 2Dot Moth 2Double Lobed 12Double Square-spot 8Double-striped Pug 3Drinker 3Dun-bar 10Ear Moth 1Early Thorn 3Engrailed 1Fan-foot 3Flame 3Flame Shoulder 5Gothic 1Green Arches 1Green Pug 1Grey Dagger 2Heart & Dart 2July Highflyer 5Knot Grass 1Large Twin-spot Carpet 2Large Yellow Underwing 6Least Carpet 2Least Yellow Underwing 1Leopard Moth 1Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing 5Lesser Yellow Underwing 10Light Arches 1Maple Pug 2Marbled Minor 1Mottled Beauty 1Mouse Moth 1Oak Hook-tip 3Orange Swift 8Pale Prominent 1Peach Blossom 1Pebble Prominent 1Peppered Moth 2Pretty Chalk Carpet 1Red Twin-spot Carpet 3Riband Wave 5Rosy Rustic 1Ruby Tiger 4Scalloped Oak 1Scarce Footman 2Scarce Silver-lines 1Scorched Carpet 1Setaceous Hebrew Character 1Shaded Pug 2Silver-Y 8Single-dotted Wave 3Slender Pug 4Small Blood-vein 1Small Fan-footed Wave 10Small Phoenix 2Small Ranunculus 1Small Rivulet 1Small Seraphim 1Smoky Wainscot 5Snout 2Southern Wainscot 1Spectacle 1Straw Underwing 2Swallow-tailed Moth 1Tawny Marbled Minor 1Toadflax Pug 1Tree-lichen Beauty 10Uncertain 5V-pug 12White-spotted Pug 2Willow Beauty 3Wormwood Pug 1Yellow Shell 3Micro MothsAcleris emargana 1Acleris forsskaleana 8Acleris variegana 1Agapeta hamana 3Agonopterix heracliana 2Agriphila straminella 50+Agriphila tristella 10Agriphila tristella 2Apotomis lineana 2Archips xylosteana 2Argyrotaenia ljungiana 2Batia unitella 4Batrachedra praeangusta 1Brachmia blandella 1Caloptilia robustella 1Caloptilia rufipennella 1Cameraria ohridella 1Carcina quercana 10Cataclysta lemnata 1Catoptria falsellaCelypha lacunana 1Celypha striana 1Chrysoteuchia culmella 1Clepsis consimilana 2Clepsis spectrana 3Cnephasia sp 5Coleophora sp 10Crambus pascuella 1Cydia splendana 2Dipleurina lacustrata 2Ditula angustiarana 2Elachista maculicerusella 5Emmelina monodactyla 1Endotricha flammealis 5Epermenia chaerophyllella 1Epiblema uddmanniana 1Epinotia brunnichana 2Epinotia nisella 2Epinotia ramella 2Eucosma campoliliana 5Eudemis profundana 5Eudonia mercurella 3Eurrhypara hortulata 1Euzophera pinguis 1Gypsonoma dealbana 2Hedya nubiferana 2Helcystogramma rufescens 1Hofmannophila pseudospretella 1Hypsopygia costalis 1Limnaecia phragmitella 2Lozotaeniodes formosanus 1Mompha ochraceella 2Monopis weaverella 1Nomophila noctuella 1Pandemis corylana 5Pandemis heparana 2Paraswammerdamia albicapitella 1Phalonidia manniana 1Phycita roborella 5Platyptilia pallidactyla 5Pleuroptya ruralis 80+Plutella xylostella 2Pterophorus pentadactyla 5Pyrausta aurata 1Recurvaria leucatella 1Rhopobota naevana 1Rhyacionia pinicolana 1Scoparia ambigualis 2Scrobipalpa sp 1Spilonota ocellana 2Tinea trinotella 1Trachycera advenella 5Udea olivalis 1Udea prunalis 5Yponomeuta cagnagella 2Yponomeuta evonymella 10Ypsolopha scabrella 1Zeiraphera isertana 5
More species, less mothsA great catch last night and a few to bang the head against the wall with!Firstly a Caloptilia which resembles both betulicola and elongella, photo later, but may need to be dissected.betulicola due to the huge amounts of Birch in the vicinity. Secondly a Phyllonorycter that I have no clue on, and looks different to the species I have already recorded in the garden, which looks to me now like blancardella.Another Early Grey makes it my whole second one for the year! 6 Double-striped Pugs was noteworthy for my garden.Another Lead-coloured Drab, makes it 3 for the year so far (none last year).New for the year were Nut-tree Tussock (1), Brindled Pug (2), Amblyptilia acanthadactyla (2),Tinea pellionella (1) and the above 2 micros to identify.I look forward to hopefully going out on a field trip on Wednesday night as the weather looks to stay mild at present.Catch Report - 30/03/14 - Back Garden Stevenage - 1x 125w MV Robinson TrapMacro Moths1x Nut-tree Tussock [NFY] 2x Brindled Pug [NFY]6x Double-striped Pug 1x Lead-coloured Drab10x Hebrew Character14x Common Quaker 11x Small Quaker2x Clouded Drab1x ChestnutMicro Moths1x Phyllonorycter sp pos blancardella [NFG]1x Tinea pellionella [NFY]1x Caloptilia betulicola [NFG]1x Agonopterix heracliana 2x Mompha subbistrigella1x Emmelina monodactyla5x Diurnea fagella
Gladsaxe Municipality, Hovedstaden, Denmark
More species, less mothsA great catch last night and a few to bang the head against the wall with!Firstly a Caloptilia which resembles both betulicola and elongella, photo later, but may need to be dissected.betulicola due to the huge amounts of Birch in the vicinity. Secondly a Phyllonorycter that I have no clue on, and looks different to the species I have already recorded in the garden, which looks to me now like blancardella.Another Early Grey makes it my whole second one for the year! 6 Double-striped Pugs was noteworthy for my garden.Another Lead-coloured Drab, makes it 3 for the year so far (none last year).New for the year were Nut-tree Tussock (1), Brindled Pug (2), Amblyptilia acanthadactyla (2),Tinea pellionella (1) and the above 2 micros to identify.I look forward to hopefully going out on a field trip on Wednesday night as the weather looks to stay mild at present.Catch Report - 30/03/14 - Back Garden Stevenage - 1x 125w MV Robinson TrapMacro Moths1x Nut-tree Tussock [NFY] 2x Brindled Pug [NFY]6x Double-striped Pug 1x Lead-coloured Drab10x Hebrew Character14x Common Quaker 11x Small Quaker2x Clouded Drab1x ChestnutMicro Moths1x Phyllonorycter sp pos blancardella [NFG]1x Tinea pellionella [NFY]1x Caloptilia betulicola [NFG]1x Agonopterix heracliana 2x Mompha subbistrigella1x Emmelina monodactyla5x Diurnea fagella