Brief Summary
provided by IABIN
Diagnosis A large Telmatobius (46.95-57.06 mm) having the following combination of characters: (1) premaxillary teeth absent, maxillary teeth rudimentary; (4) tongue round, thick; with posterior border free, unnotched; slightly long than wider; attached through more than 75% of its length; (5) choanae large, subrectangular; (6) tympanum and tympanic annulus absent; (7) snout truncate in dorsal view; (8) postfemoral folds absent; (9) dorsum yellow cream (in preservative); (12) toes extensively webbed; (13) outer border of Toe V widely fringed.
- author
- José A. Langone
- editor
- Diego Arrieta
provided by IABIN
Know only from the type locality.
- author
- José A. Langone
- editor
- Diego Arrieta
Molecular Biology
provided by IABIN
alcalóides, sais minerais (1)
Diagnostic Description
provided by IABIN
Redescription of holotype Adult female (snout-vent length = 57.06 mm); head narrower than body; head length 28.6% of snout-vent length; head wider than long (head width/ snout-vent length = 0.33; head length/head width = 0.86). Snout truncate in dorsal view; snout moderately short in lateral view; loreal region nearly horizontal; snout slightly truncate in lateral view; nostrils not protuberant, oriented anterodorsolaterally; internarial distance 19.6% head width; internarial region convex; nostrils closer to tip of snout than eye; canthus rostralis indistinct in dorsal profile. Eye moderately large (25.5% head length), oriented anterodorsolaterally; tympanum and tympanic annulus absent; supratympanic fold barely visible; lips thin; rudimentary maxillary teeth present, completely embedded within labial mucosa; dentigerous process of vomers absent; choanae large (60.3% internarial distance) and subrectangular; tongue thick, round, with posterior border free, unnotched, slightly longer than wide, attached through more than 75% of its length anteriorly. Forelimbs thin, with dermal forearm fold; dermal wrist fold absent; finger I longer than finger II; relative lengths of digits of forelimb: III>IV>I>II; palmar webbing absent; tips of fingers round; rudimentary lateral fringes between fingers I and II, and II and III; inner palmar tubercle oval, distinct; diameter of outer metacarpal tubercle about 66.6% inner tubercle, pear-shaped, slightly raised, distinct; one round distinct subarticular tubercle distally on Finger IV; indistinct distal subarticular tubercle on fingers II and III; distinct subarticular tubercles proximally on each finger; one distinct supernumerary tubercle present at base of fingers II and III. Three or more indistinct supernumerary tubercles present at base of each finger; supernumerary palmar tubercles also present along outer edge of inner metacarpal tubercle. Hind limb, long (approximately 150.4% snout-vent length) and robust; length of toes: IV>III>V>II> I; toes webbed; webbing diminishes distally to form wide fringes along lateral margins of toes; outer border of Toe V widely fringed from base to tip; tips of toes spherical, about equal in size to finger tips; inner metatarsal tubercle elongate, raised; outer metatarsal tubercle round, small, raised, about half size of inner tubercle; subarticular tubercles round, some indistinct, distributed on toes as follows: I (1), II (1), III (6), IV (8), V (4); single, proximal tubercle distinct on toes II and V; two proximal indistinct supernumerary tubercles on toes IV and III; indistinct supernumerary tubercles around outer metatarsal tubercle; tarsal fold distinct, extending approximately 66.6% length of tarsus, continuous distally with fringe along inner margin of toe I; postfemoral fold absent. Skin smooth dorsally and ventrally, with out spines or warts; cloacal opening at upper level of thigh; opening round ornamented with folds; transverse fold of skin present dorsal to the cloacal opening; ventral skin of thigh loose, folded, pustular. Measurements (in mm): snout-vent length 57.06, head length 16.15, head width 18.75, interorbital distance 6.04, internarial distance 3.65, eye-nostril distance 3.65, eye diameter 4.17, hand length 12.20, radioulnar length 12.11, tibia length 24.03, foot length 40.21. Color in preservative: Dorsum of body uniform brown to tan; paler minute speckling on flanks; ventral surfaces of forearm with white speckles; venter of body uniform pale cream; tips of fingers and toes yellow; hand and foot tubercles light cream. Color in life unknown.
- author
- José A. Langone
- editor
- Diego Arrieta